Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»LIVE From London – Protesting Parliament’s Tyranny With Kate Shemirani

LIVE From London – Protesting Parliament’s Tyranny With Kate Shemirani

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More protests are taking place in London on Monday. This time, it’s not happening on the weekend, but the middle of the day on a weekday. Kate Shemirani joins us live outside Parliament where she confronts the agents of the state posing as police officers. In one instance, she has to actually report assault by an inspector and has to try and report it to numerous police officers who simply will not hear her report and cover for their criminal boss. One inspector finally does take her report after another officer wanted the inspector who assaulted her to take the report. Thousands of people were out even before the protest, which was scheduled to take place at 2pm GBT. Also, attorney Anna de Buisseret spoke with us and pointed back to God’s law, which is part of the law that is to be upheld by all those who serve the public. This is what it looks like to begin to hold those accountable who are in positions of authority who are violating the law while enacting tyranny against the people. The end result is not going to be good for them.

You can help Kate as thanks for all the information she supplies by getting your nutritional supplies from her at the links below.

Genesis Healing

The Good Inside

Contact Kate Shemirani Here

Join The British Nursing Alliance On Telegram

Help Support Kate’s Crowd Justice Fund To Help Cover Legal Expenses She Is Incurring Due To Speaking The Truth About The Plandemic And The Jab Here

Pick Up Chlorine Dioxide Here

Articles, previous show and additional video of protest going on after the show ended.

Teens Stand Up: “I Will Not Wear The Mask… I Will Not Take The Vaccine… I Will Resist Evil… I Will Submit To God… I Will Defy Tyrants!” (Video)

As White House Confesses To Fascist Censoring, CDC Says Nearly 12,000 Americans Are Dead In The Past 7 Months Following COVID Injections

Informed Consent, 5 Dead Jet Blue Pilots & Liquifying The Dead With Kate Shemirani

Government Documents Instruct Door-To-Door Vaccine “Strike Teams” To Lie To Public

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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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Informed Consent, 5 Dead Jet Blue Pilots & Liquifying The Dead With Kate Shemirani

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