John Richardson from joins me in this episode as he continues to uncover mountains of evidence regarding cancer and what was used to fight it, mainly Vitamin B17, which has been in storage for decades. Today, he unveils four nuggets that he discovered in the latest round of opening …
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In this episode, I welcome our friend Eric Hughes Jones from, Bill from New York and Anna Von Reitz to discuss some of the methods she has been providing that have resulted in several people being empowered to stand up for their rights and see through the “legal fiction” …
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Ever heard people who know nothing about the Bible, but they will bring up the phrase “Judge not lest ye be judged”? Or perhaps, “He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone”? It’s often used to try and shut down those who are simply making moral judgments …
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In this episode, we’ll take a look at a short prophecy from 2 years ago from Julie Green, who has become quite popular with the worshippers of Donald Trump. She clearly claims the Lord is telling the people that Trump won’t be indicted. Yet, what do we know happened? Yep, …
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In this episode, nurse and nutritionist Kate Shemirani brings back to the forefront the subject of water. Water is so important and yet, many do not realize it to the point that they are actually dehydrating when they should be hydrating! Kate also gives us an update on the pursuit …
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In this episode, we’ll take a look at a survey put out by the US Census Bureau on behalf of the unconstitutional Department of Health and Human Services regarding the health of our children. This is the fifth one of these I have received in the past 12 months. Why …
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In this episode, Dr. Paul Byrne joins me to blow the trumpet on organ donations and the reality that in order to harvest organs from someone, they must be ALIVE! That’s right, murders are taking place under the deceptive term “brain dead” when the person is still actually very much …
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In this episode, we’ll take a look at how God works good for those He loves and has been called according to His purposes, even when evil things happen to us. Some try and separate these things out to ask is it man doing it or God? We’ll see that …
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The CIA-controlled Mockingbird media is telling us that it’s a mere conspiracy theory that lithium and quartz and geo-engineering are taking place in Western North Carolina and that people are spreading misinformation by pointing out Kamala Harris’ husband is heavily invested in lithium mines in North Carolina. We know from …
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In this episode, we’ll take a look at the destruction brought upon western North Carolina by Hurricane Helene and also look at who is actually aiding the people there. In large measure, the most productive in aiding the people of the area are merely other people demonstrating their love for …
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