Single Mom & Her Business Targeted By TikTok For Speaking About God & Herbs (Video)
In this episode, single mom and entrepreneur Angie Tomky from https://BackToOurRoots222.com joins me to update on the attacks she has received and the cancellation she received on her TikTok and other social media accounts simply because she discussed God and the herbs He made for us in the Creation. BONUS VIDEOS Biden’s …

Kate Shemirani & Stuart Wilkie: Killer Moulds In Drugs To Create Disease, Dollars & Death (Video)
In this episode, nurse and nutritionist Kate Shemirani and Olympian/Researcher Stuart Wilkies join me to inform the People about molds that are present in pharmaceuticals, which are then making people sick in order to not only turn a profit on those drugs, but then other drugs, surgeries and the like …

Drawn By The Father (Video)
In this episode, we’ll take a look at important passages in the Scriptures that indicate that God does provide all things necessary to save men from their sins and applies it to those whom He draws to the Son. Subscribe on Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/sonsoflibertyradiolive Follow us on Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/sonsoflibertyra Grab our feed on …

SC’s “Dr. Fauci” On Verge Of Being Confirmed By Senate AFTER The People Have Said No! (Video)
In this episode, I’m joined by Alaina Moore of PlamettoStateWatch.com. We’ll elaborate on what is taking place in South Carolina today and the implications of installing a psychiatrist who has committed crimes against the People of the State as what is being termed the state’s “health czar.” We’ll also provide …

Let Me Show You A Better Way… (Video)
In this episode, I’m joined by Eric Olgea and Jason Malewiski as they share how God has used them in their communities and encouraged others to do the same to love their neighbors as themselves. You will be encouraged, inspired and possibly motivated to do the same thing in your …

WAR: What Is It Good For? (Video)
In this episode, we’ll take a look at the latest developments as President Trump has unlawfully begun to bomb Yemen on behalf of Israel. We’ll also look at what God said about war, Jesus the Prince of Peace and how believers should be waging their own war against the deeds …

The True Fruit Of A Believer (Video)
In this episode, we’ll take a look at the difference between the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5 and see the evidence of what God does in the life of the believer. Subscribe on Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/sonsoflibertyradiolive Follow us on Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/sonsoflibertyra Grab our feed …

Got Venom? Kate Shemirani: Drugs That Contain Venom & Their Natural Alternatives Plus More On The Latest Fat Jabs (Video)
In this episode, nurse and nutritionist Kate Shemirani goes over a number of pharmaceutical drugs that use venom as the main ingredient, but contrasts those with God’s natural remedies found in the Creation. She’ll also address the latest jabs coming out. You can help Kate as thanks for all the …

The Brood Of Vipers Still Exist (Video)
In this episode, we’ll take a look at who John the Baptist and Jesus referred to as a “brood of vipers” and how their children are still very much alive today and attacking the people of God just like they did our Lord and forefathers. Judaism’s Strange Gods ~ Michael …

How A Poor Understanding Of Biblical Israel Has Led To Where We Are Today (Video)
In this episode, we’ll take a look at the words from several Israelis against Christians, along with seeing the influence Israel has had on the US Congress and who worked to put modern Israel in place. Then we’ll point out how CI Scofield popularized his Bible with unbiblical notes in …