Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»What do Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh & John Roberts Have In Common?

What do Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh & John Roberts Have In Common?

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What do Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh & John Roberts Have In Common? Well, if I told you here, you wouldn’t need to watch the show, but aside from the obvious, which is that they are all on the supreme Court of the united States and all are Roman Catholic, they all have a single point of history they were involved in. And it looks like two decades later, they’ll be called up to do it again.

Articles and videos referenced in this episode.

Another Phony Conservative Judge Nominated To The Supreme Court


Brett Kavanaugh: A “Controlled Judge” Who Aided In Cover-up Of Vince Foster Case?

Now, He Tells Us… Rush Limbaugh On Brett Kavanaugh Siding With Liberal Justices: Blasey Ford Confirmation Hearings Worked

Kavanaugh Sides With Pro-Death Judges In Declining To Hear States’ Rights Case To Defund Planned Parenthood

What You Don’t Know About Brett Kavanaugh Can And Will Hurt You

Trump’s Swamp List: His Advisors & Cabinet Who Are CFR & Bilderberg Attendees (It’s A Big List)

Supreme Court Justices: Do Their Belief Systems Matter?

A Victory In Michigan Against A Tyrannical Governor & A New Fight Brews



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