Trump’s Treasonous Triumph: How He’s Undermining Parents & The Constitution
The latest evidence emerges of President Donald Trump’s treason against both the US Constitution and the parents of the united States. Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in this episode to explain and document the 45th president’s unconstitutional actions that continue to mount up for which he should be impeached, not re-elected.
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Here’s Lynne’s extras for homework.
Text of President Trump’s 4th of July speech
My rebuttal video
Rebuttal Points on Trump's SD Speech
Posted by Common Core Diva on Saturday, July 4, 2020
From the website,, this fact sheet on Trump’s pro-LGBTQ moves. Note that the Democratic National Committee President pushed for Grenell’s appointment. So, any claim that indoctrination is all the faults of liberals and Democrats cannot stand up!
Related information (for during show or homework):
(My late June interview with Dr. George about education, the economy, and USMCA under Trump’s thumb)
One of my more recent articles about the new Trump Exec. Order to extend a national grooming of workforce education/jobs:
My special visual blog article from July 3, 2020 showing the treasonous moves of several administrations.
(this is the article which got marginalized on at least 2 social media pages of FB for my use of the German magazine image.)
2020 Trump campaign (in less than 500 words) doesn’t even show education as a platform issue:
By contrast, 2020 Biden campaign (less than 500 words) does mention education as far as free community college for all:
From the days of Biden as VP and education, this link to all my articles showing his sell-out:
*Note: you’ll definitely want to read this 2014 one:
From the days surrounding Trump’s election, his trail of selling-out:
*Note: you’ll especially need this one to compare then to now:
It appears that I have much more on Trump than Biden, but remember if you go to my archives and search for President Obama, you’ll see multiple pages, too.
I offer this to show I’m not picking on one major party than the other.
Sons of Liberty’s article about the failed Trump promises:
Why we cannot seem to break the 2 party political chokehold, is NOT the citizens lack of action, it seems to be our judicial system. See this from a couple of days ago: https://www.courthousenews.
Then, look at this list of 2020 US Presidential options you maybe didn’t know were available:
(Note the number of socialist parties. How can Trump’s claim of America not becoming socialistic be true?)
What would you say if documents proving our current racial problem was based in the past from Russia?
What would you say to learn that Malcolm X words you have never seen before reveal some timely issues?
From trusted education whistleblower, Charlotte Iserbyt, her stunning evidence needs to seen & read by all.
Regardless of where you stand on this issue, this proves what I have been pointing out recently: that government is the biggest racial baiting divider known to all.
Link: http://
Charlotte’s articles on President Trump;
Charlotte’s article on Biden:
In this recent (July 3, 2020) interview, Charlotte and her host discuss that in order for the complete globalization system to work, we must be transformed from a Constitutional Republic into a Parliamentary System gov’t.
Listen, especially to 6:44-7:34, context begins at 6:09.
Link: http://mediaarchives.
In my rebuttal video, I stated that Trump supports STEM (which is UN bred) and funds it by the billions. Did you know part of STEM is to embrace the LGBTQ agenda as a bully pulpit for ‘social change’?
Refer to this article from my archives:
Then consider his recent interview about voting for a gay candidate (remember, his administration is supposedly anti-gay)
Then Richard Grenell’s appointment in early 2020:
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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media