Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»Setting Brushfires 12-16-2019: How “Pro-Life” Organizations Are Sustaining The Slaughter Of The Preborn With Matt Trewhella

Setting Brushfires 12-16-2019: How “Pro-Life” Organizations Are Sustaining The Slaughter Of The Preborn With Matt Trewhella

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On Monday, December 9th, 2019, the pro-life organizations were heralding the ultrasound law in Kentucky not being struck down by the Supreme Court.   What you need to understand, however, is such laws are why the slaughter of the preborn continues. Yes – you heard me right.  The pro-life organizations have sustained the murder of the preborn for nearly 50 years now. The ultrasound law is yet the latest example of bad bills and strategy pursued by pro-life organizations.  Understand, the pro-life movement spent countless hours and millions of dollars on these ultrasound bills. The bill does not protect the preborn, rather, it makes sure women give “INFORMED CONSENT” to the murder of their preborn baby.   That’s right – like most pro-life bills over the last four and a half decades, the ultrasound bill codifies into law that preborn babies can be murdered. The pro-life leaders are quick to point that out when they do their interviews. They stress that this law does not outlaw the murder of the preborn – and then they speak of how it provides “informed consent” so the mother can murder her own son or daughter.  Matt Trewhella joins me in this episode to expose the criminal actions of those on our side concerning their actions and call them, and us, to repentance on behalf of other human beings.

Matthew Trewhella is the pastor of Mercy Seat Christian Church (MercySeat.net). He and his wife, Clara, have eleven children and reside in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area. You can obtain his book The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates: A Proper Response to Tyranny and A Repudiation of Unlimited Obedience to Civil Government at Amazon.com or by going to the websites www.DefyTyrants.com or www.LesserMagistrate.com.

Missionaries To The Preborn

Articles and videos mentioned in this episode:

Another Example of how the Pro-Life Organizations Sustain the Slaughter of the Preborn

Randy Brogdon Repents of Pro-Life Compromise

Former State Senator Randy Brogdon on why he regrets passing pro-life legislation.

Posted by Dan Fisher on Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Former Oklahoma Senator Randy Brogdon On Leaving Pro-Life & Becoming An Abolitionist: “I Repent”

Pastor Confronts Phoenix City Council For Failing To Uphold Arizona Law On Abortion: ‘This is Happening On Your Watch’

Woman Boldly Confronts City Council On Abortion – Does She Represent You, Women Of America? (Video)

Woman Boldy Confronts City Council

THIS! This is how a woman should be. This is how we do this. This is courageous womanhood. #Feminism #ReproductiveFreedom #ProChoice #PlannedParenthood

Posted by Apologia Studios on Thursday, January 24, 2019





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