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Setting Brushfires 10-16-2019: Rotten to the Core: How the Media Treats You When You Stand Against the Beast

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On this Rotten to the Core Wednesday edition of Setting Brushfires, we’ll take a look at how the media responded to Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor’s comments before her elected officials concerning the unlawful overtaking of the education system in her county.

Videos and articles mentioned in this episode:

Setting Brushfires 10-02-2019: Feds, NASBE & Special Interests Groups Seek To Turn You & Your Children Into A Communist Workforce

Lynne’s comments to the Iredell Board of County Commissioners on all of this from October 1, 2019, can be viewed here:  http://ec4.cc/s2faf3a6  Her comments begin around the 1:14:20 mark.



Lynne’s email following up her statements before the commissioners and a response.


Dear Iredell County Commissioners,

As one of only 3 Iredell County citizens who chose to speak out against the proposed $125 million bond for school construction, I’d like to clarify a few of my statements of opposition. I understand, both by comments some of you have made, as well as the press, that misconceptions have come to the surface.

1) I’m a constitutionally minded person. If our U.S. Constitution and/or our NC Constitution do not allow something, then I do not support it. Regardless of what ‘it’ is.
2) One of you stated that there’s ‘for the bond’ or ‘for busing’. As complex as this issue is, it is grossly unfair to the citizens to categorize this as an ‘either/or’ situation. That is why I offered a third option of an audit.
I do apologize I did not make that clearer. I wasn’t referring to the annual government run audit, I was suggesting we have an independent group audit the County books.

Why would I call for such an action?
Because outside auditors are more objective. With so much money being expected from taxpayer citizens (yet again), it makes sense to have our county officials give us the most clear and definitive evidence that this money is actually needed.
If you, as those officials, deny the citizens this right to access information, how can you, in good conscience, say you’ve given this due diligence? If we do not know or see the evidence, we might as well just hand over our purses and checkbooks and let you have free reign. You wouldn’t hand your checkbooks to a stranger and tell them, take what you need, but that is how this can be seen without the citizens understanding the need NOR seeing the need. Anything can look good on paper, but those citizens who are on strict budgets cannot and SHOULD NOT have to keep giving with little to no explanation.

As far as due diligence goes, where are the number slides used in the presentation before public comment? Very few slides have any source cited. How are ‘We the People’ to know if the numbers are accurate or not? Think about it from a taxpayer stance: those who support this proposal are seen as ‘good’, yet those who take issue, are called ‘bad’. What if I’m a neutral person and want to access the information on MY OWN without being told what to think or support? This kind of presentation is lacking transparency. A transparency that should be afforded EVERY citizen in our county.As I stated on the 1st of October, I’m not anti-education. I’m not anti-school construction. But when such a huge amount of money is sought after, why are we, as citizens not privy to exactly where the funds are needed? Why are we not included in making Iredell education, truly local? You say you believe in county run education, but exclude those who can bring much to the table besides money.

For example, you, as our elected officials owe it to the people to tell us, is this bond a tax increment financing tool? Is the bond interest bearing? How, aside from property taxes rising will the bond be paid back? Where, exactly is the County trying to drive citizens to? The entire presentation was based off population growth.

By combining education with economics, you are manipulating where people live, work, and go to school. Those are infringements on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
I’ve seen the newest GIS information where this precise model is being used to tip the hat to workforce development, not the 3 Rs. (If you remember, I also commented on this). Merging education to labor is unconstitutional in every way.
The goal of this type of model is building an education to workforce pipeline. Pipelines offer zero freedom, if you think about it. The material in the pipe is forced to go one way. Doing this to students is demoralizing.Since these unanswered questions persist, as well as your attitude toward saddling future generations with debt they didn’t incur, I cannot support this bond. I cannot support seeing another school being built to support workforce prep. Not when true academics are suffering.
Before Oct. 1st and since, I’ve had many conversations in person and on social media about this. Almost everyone is in agreement that rushing into this bond without complete transparency and using our tax dollars in ways we did not ask for, is not a true representation of who Iredell citizens are. Again, government IS not and SHOULD NOT be run like a business. When it is, we are conducting a great disservice to our State.Lastly, and this connects to the workforce prep being passed off as education:
the continued use of “Edge Factor” in Iredell County (page 6 &7 of the 2020 Budget Message).

Did you know it’s based in Canada? Did you realize that the student data collected falls under UN jurisdiction? How is this ‘local control’? Do you think Iredell citizens would be ‘okay’ with this? I don’t, not in the least.

Here’s what I’ve been able to find out about the service and what I’m sharing with Iredell taxpayers:
” If you want to learn about Edge Factor’s UN/Canada ties
go here: https://education.edgefactor.com/Terms-Of-Use.aspx
**Edge Factor corporate partners (illustrates the biz overreaches in education): http://about.edgefactor.com/partners/
***If you want to see how CTE (Career Tech Education) is the kingpin for Edge Factor, go here: https://www.edgefactor.com/zone/preparation
****If you don’t think CTE isn’t Common Core, I’ve provided evidence from my blog’s archives. https://commoncorediva.wordpress.com/2015/09/27/weekend-news-tracking-the-ccsscteworkforce-aligned-society/
*****The proof of that PCAST Report: https://commoncorediva.wordpress.com/2014/09/02/from-the-files-pcast-stem-and-common-core/
******Proof of STEM’s being a UN tool:
https://commoncorediva.wordpress.com/2019/09/17/educratic-stalks/ ”
Commissioners, I  do offer my expertise in education research to you. This issue is not simple, nor will one bond ‘fix’ it. No bond before this proposed one has ‘fixed’ education.

I may be reached via cell: ***-***-****. My email: mooregrits@gmail.com
I will be available for meeting with any of you, or all, of you after 10/20/19. I’m attending to out of state business until then.

In closing, it is my prayer, that we can work together to make Iredell truly local..free from businesses who are not qualified to teach or set standards, free from the Chamber of Commerce’s (fed-to-state-to-local) Bill Gates funded rhetoric that all education is workforce based; free from groups with agendas to twist our students’ heads around with. I pray, once that’s accomplished, we can work toward freeing NC from the federal funds which are dictating this shift away from the 3Rs to workforce agendas.


Lynne M Taylor
Mooresville, NC
From: Ken Robertson <ken.robertson.jr.2@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Oct 6, 2019, 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: Oct. 1st Follow Up information
To: Lynne Taylor <mooregrits@gmail.com>

Dear Lynn,

How are we to pay for $125,000,000 on new schools to add capacity to accommodate all the students who are children of the people moving in?
Nobody has revealed any legal and viable option.
The schools have oversight by an internal finance team. They are audited by an external accounting firm.   The state ensures compliance to make certain state funds were spent as allocated.  The federal government does the same.  The County has a cooperative arrangement to account for all capital spending.  Finally the school board is comprised of citizens to oversee the entire operation. Most recently a school facilities task force , with a diverse and qualified group of citizens, conducted an extensive assessment of the needs and prioritized those needs with a projected time table.
Most citizens are totally unaware of the comprehensive approach we take to safeguard the public treasury.    In Iredell County we are known regionally and throughout the state for our low cost and high productivity in multiple areas ranging from education to our health department.  Our tax rate is the lowest in the region. We had the Superintendent of the year for the entire USA (MGSD) and again for the best in the state (ISS).  The conservative think tank John Locke Foundation wrote that Iredell County voters received extremely good return for their education spending.
Just because you are unaware of all the work, studies, and processes that are completed for months long before we have a meeting as we had last Tuesday, it doesn’t mean that we just had a wild idea and walked in to pitch the concept.  Your statements reflected a lack of knowledge of the funding process and revealed minimal preparation to comment intelligently, it did not reveal our lack of preparation.
I am willing to help you understand, but you need to be prepared to do the work that comes with learning how government is structured
That’s enough for now.
Do a little homework on how we identify needs and plan for capital spending.   Then offer that 3rd option. If you can find 120 M of wasted spending , we all will owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude.
Respectfully submitted ,


Ken Robertson






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