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Government’s Illegal Mind Manipulation For All Ages (Video)

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The US government is continuing illegal indoctrination against the Tenth Amendment. However, be sure that there is mind manipulation going on for all ages, whether you are in school or not. The Common Core Diva joins me to show you how Social and Emotional Learning is not just in government indoctrination centers, which we call public schools. It’s everywhere and it’s for all ages. This has set us up for an entire collapse.

Articles, videos and links mentioned in this episode along with additional resources provided by Lynne.

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These links will prove that the SEL isn’t only in schools or our governments, but everywhere and meant for all ages. It’s the underbelly of the shift towards a P3 led governance across the globe. It makes sense when you look at all the P3 influences we’ve exposed in education (aka: training). A P3 led nation will collapse its financial system and use young people to promote a social justice environment.

Common Purpose began in the UK, but has a US arm.

Here’s the short video about what CP supposedly does:

The US link (by the way, Chicago is the main hub for the US and South America): https://commonpurpose.org/locations/common-purpose-us/

Now, that we’ve set the stage for CP, let’s expose WHAT CP really is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1P1yD3eiGw&list=PLC15EBF9521140D43&index=1

Then the Common Purpose Exposed website: https://www.cpexposed.com/

*This document link from the Exposed site will show UN led one world gov’t approach of CP: https://www.cpexposed.com/documents/one-world-governance-common-purpose

This link describes NLP and where it began (US in CA) and how it’s used: https://www.goodtherapy.org/learn-about-therapy/types/neuro-linguistic-programming

The SoL MINDSPACE articles Suzanne and I did proving the UK driven effort had US influence in spades: https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/mindspace-the-document-that-governments-are-using-against-their-people/

It’s all about the new and easy, in your home training for becoming an SEL yoga instructor for children, teachers, schools and the community: https://www.breatheforchange.com/

The 200 hour in home training syllabus exposed that it’s all based on CASEL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19TWwh2Yn3vNEfj0J_GkNsw92Qbxv12QS/view

This link details what the almost $3,000.00 program gets you: https://www.breatheforchange.com/digital-yoga-teacher-training

As part of the SEL community wide takeover, look at what my local taxpayer supported library hosts: “Mindful Moments”

Here’s a short Facebook video: https://ms-my.facebook.com/MooresvilleLibrary/videos/285417839848298/

Then, look at the Mooresville Public Library schedule for Dec.2021: https://mooresvillenc.evanced.info/signup/calendar

Followed by the SEL video resources from Sesame Street: https://changingperspectivesnow.org/grades-k-2-videos-to-support-social-emotional-learning-sel/

Sponsor is the Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education:

Link to the Dalai Lama Center for Peace/Education: https://dalailamacenter.org/

(*Note: it’s main SEL programming is created in part with the United Way of the Lower Mainland (British Columbia Canada). https://www.uwlm.ca/

From the “About” page of the Center (https://dalailamacenter.org/about/history):

“During the Dalai Lama’s visit to Vancouver, Canada in 2004, we began a dialogue about the future of education in the 21st Century. The Dalai Lama stated his unequivocal belief that formal education must balance educating the mind with educating the heart. By doing so, we can foster the conditions for a more compassionate and peaceful future.

Following the 2004 visit, His Holiness endorsed the founding of the The Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education (DLC) in Vancouver. He specifically requested that the Center gather scientific research and develop evidence-informed programs to show the world that educating the heart is beneficial to both the individual and the communities we live in.

As one of only a few organizations worldwide that has been personally endorsed by the Dalai Lama, we are inspired by his belief in the importance of balancing the education of children’s minds with that of their hearts. While we are guided by the Dalai Lama’s vision for education in a more compassionate world, the Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education is a non-religious, non-political, not-for-profit organization.”

Since most of the SEL is mind bending agenda, there’s one website which has tracked certain aspects of society since the removal of prayer (to God Almighty) in our public schools: http://www.restore-christian-america.org/schoolprayer.html

(*Note: the last chart is the suicide increase in students) That’s key to the CCSS Machine, as the rates have exploded since the cookie cutter standardized ‘education’ has been presented. STEM/STEAM/STREAM are also key players in the SEL fallacies.

Just look at this image from the pro CCSS NC group EDNC:

Note the date of 2013: that was 3 years AFTER CCSS was fully implemented.

Link: https://www.ednc.org/2020-10-07-suicide-leading-cause-of-death-for-kids-state-board-hears-disturbing-state-data/


(*Note: the document titled “A Child Health Plan: For Raising a New Generation” was for the State of NC from the 1970s. Charlotte Iserbyt sent me a physical copy and woven into our public education system (from birth to adult) is a heart-mind SEL approach!

While I cannot find an online version of the Plan which Charlotte sent, I did find a 1977 document about the US Agency (HEW) featured in the NC Plan. It’s in this document where you can see that the federal gov’t had devoted much funding to regionalized child health care, which was embedded in school districts.

The Availability Of Funds For Child Care Service Programs in Maryland by Tim Brown on Scribd


For archives:

1) The entire playlist of the Brian Gerrish interviews on Common Purpose and its evil agenda (part 4 will especially be of concern for parents in regards to child snatching): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC15EBF9521140D43

2) Other videos by DefendYourFreedom (original hosting site where Gerrish was interviewed):

3) Charlotte Iserbyt’s 2005 article on the children’s behavior health and how it would relate to AI (artificial intelligence):

4) Charlotte’s 2018 article on the destruction of sound morals in education:

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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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