America’s Frontline Doctor Warns Parents About mRNA Shot, Myocarditis & Their Kids (Video)
Once again, Dr. Bill Smith of America’s Frontline Doctors joins The Sons of Liberty for a poignant message to parents about the COVID experimental bio-weapon injections. His presentation needs to be shared far and wide as a warning to parents considering having their kids take the poisonous COVID shots, and if they have given their kids the first shot to not give them the second one. Myocarditis developing quickly among those who’ve taken the shots and children are expected to have very short lives following taking two of these shots. This is must watch and share information. Dr. Smith will be back with us on Tuesday on The Sons of Liberty to provide information you have and have not heard on spike proteins and it is relevant.
Link to Dr. Smith’s full presentation.
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Articles, videos, links mentioned in this episode.
Teens Stand Up: “I Will Not Wear The Mask… I Will Not Take The Vaccine… I Will Resist Evil… I Will Submit To God… I Will Defy Tyrants!” (Video)
This week only, through Saturday, December 18, 2021 at midnight, use the promo code REPENT and get 25% off To Spit Against Heaven DVD!
The letter Dr. Smith mentioned to send to representatives to hold those engaged in genocide accountable.
The Criminal Conspiracy of Coronavirus by Dr. David Martin by Tim Brown on Scribd
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Former CBS Healthwatch Reporter: “America, You’ve Been Tricked, Lied To, Conned, & Taken For A Devastating Ride” & Fauci Told You So
Whoa! Fauci/NIAID Signed Private & Confidential Vaccine Agreement Just Weeks Before The Plandemic (Video)
Army Doctor & Aerospace Medicine Specialist LTC. Theresa Long Calls On Pentagon To Ground ALL Pilots That Have Taken COVID Shots
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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media