From School Bench Into The Fire: What Hitler’s Youth Have In Common With 2020 “Education” In The US
Hitler’s Youth have much in common with today’s children in the US and we are seeing the fruit of it borne out each and every day. In this episode, Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins us to expose what she’s discovered both in history and the present about this stunning correlation.
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Here’s additional information provided by Lynne for further study, some of which was mentioned in this episode.
It’s 222 pages. Education is embedded about 159 times.
Specifics will be on Pages 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 22, 25,26, 27, 3031, 32,36, 52, 57, 69, 70, 74, 75, 80, 85, 88, 105, 168. 179, 219. and, 220.
**There are 10 co-sponsors and this Bill is in 13 different committees.
Bacon (NE), Houlahan (PA), Waltz (FL), Moulton (MA), Cisneros (CA), Riggleman (VA), Carbajal (CA), Crow (CO), Rose (NY), Roybal-Allard (CA).
The ONLY policy areas HR 6415 covers are labor and employment. So why is education mentioned 159 times?
Main sponsor of HR 6415 is Rep. Jimmy Panetta. His father was the former director of the CIA and served in the Sec. of State position. It’s through his Dad, Leon Panetta that you will find the Beacon Global Group. BGG donated to both father AND son’s political campaigns. BGG can also be tied back to the CIA and eventually George Soros. See this map from Little Sis (will need enlarging The CIA and Beacon are almost on top of each other and Soros is out on the right hand side of the map)
Little Sis also shows that Leon was on the Board at BGG.
Open Secrets’s link on Jimmy Panetta’s campaign donors,where BGG is the last one on the page:
Here’s their most current on Jimmy’s funding:
The Committees and Caucuses Jimmy serves on (he’s a progressive democrat)
His stance on education:
**BE sure to show the Twitter picture I sent you on FB message about his co-sponsoring of the New Green Deal. (alot of HR 6415 fits his progressive green agenda)
The link to the Google Book reader for Hitler’s Last Victims.
We’ll need page 158, but to set the context, you should begin with page 155. You’ll see a title of “From School Bench Into the Fire”.
From the US Memorial Museum of the Holocaust, this link to the education/indoctrination of public service:
This page, from the same source will detail a few things very similar in HR 6415:
From Time magazine’s 1941 Report:
“Mathematics is taught in terms of bullet trajectories, range-finding, sextant-reading, aerodynamics. As members of the Hitler Youth, the little leader-geniuses are searched for the qualities every German warrior must have: punctuality, orderliness, reliability, subordination, gregariousness, adaptability, diligence, will power, aggressiveness, acute sensory perception, practical talents. Each boy’s record is tabulated, analyzed and filed away, so that his complete case history of character development will be available for the future use of Army psychologists.”
You have to be a subscriber of Time to access that 1941 Report, but here’s the article I found the reference in:
The Voices for National Service (modern day USA) video link is below. It’s about citizens serving other citizens. In the video, you’ll see some of the big corps of the CCSS Machine present. Teach for America is also a partner. To see that, go here:
To see the positive spin Voices gave HR 6415, go here:
From the U.S. Veteran geared website “With Honor”, this ‘shout out’ to Rep. Jimmy Panetta:
“With Honors” Advisory Board contains one big CCSS Machine member. Bezos (father of Amazon’s Bezos). He’s a member of the Aspen Institute’s Board. Aspen is well known for its selling out of education. Indoctrination, too.
The most recent time I’ve written about Aspen, was Feb.2020.
Other Aspen archives: https://www.commoncorediva.
Since the National Service group above is so sold on HR 6415, as well as attaches itself to AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, etc. I am sending this 2016 archive.
In part 2 of this article, I show you exactly how AC, SC, and even YouthBuild are all CCSS aligned.
The image (bright orange) is from this archive of mine:
It covers the Peace Corps, AC, SC, and more.
(*Note: there’s a broken link in that article, but I found the source again.
The spin job the U.S. Dept. of Ed has on AmeriCorps:
From the NCNS grantee guidelines, look at page 3 for typical service locations. Then see who’s eligible to serve:
Then, there’s the Marc Tucker (remember the Dear H letter?) Estonia like plan for America. I wrote about that last year. (*Note: there’s a broken link for the European Reassurance Initiative, but here’s a link, unbroken:
(*This article is huge in pointing out the Russian AND German ed/life models.)
Here’s the Estonia Lifelong Learning Plan where no matter how old or able, you must be a productive citizen.
This archive was used as a reference during one of our previous shows (Trump’s March into Socialism):
Tucker related:
Before we close, let’s circle back to Dr. Vogt’s second book, “My Memories of Berlin”. It’s in this book he describes being a young boy and being ‘inducted’ into Hitler’s Youth. The last picture attached shows him as a very young boy in the Hitler Band. I want to bring this up in relation to the closing image of HR 6415.
The parallels are too obvious!
Link to the Berlin book:
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