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Educratic Sophism: Adverse Childhood Experiences & Universal School Choice (Video)

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The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in this episode of Rotten To The Core and says, “the CCSS Machine is in full swing for Nov. 2022 elections already. Which prop up what we’ve proven about the GOP stopping at nothing to ‘take back’ DC Nov 2024.” She provides a plethora of documentation to back up her claims. Don’t be deceived with the “school choice” argument politicians are selling. It’s not what you think it is.

Articles, links, videos and bonus videos mentioned in this episode, along with resources provided by Lynne.

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What’s a sophism?

A deceptive or misleading argument, a sophism.

ACE’s stuff, first: http://www.targetedparent.com/blog/2016/9/5/america-in-distress (This 2016 blog article by an abused wife has sparked a national movement)

See the National Alliance for Targeted Parents http://www.targetedparent.com/

The Alliance’s 2022 Strategy: http://www.targetedparent.com/strategic-plan AND http://www.targetedparent.com/new-page

This link is for the 32 page Special Report from the Alliance’s Exec. Dir. The reliance on the CDC and Kaiser Permenante, as well as quasi science
sources is very noticeable. www.targetedparent.com/s/Special-Report.docx

If that link isn’t operational, I found it on this page about forming a partnership with your school. Second black box on the left: http://www.targetedparent.com/school-partnerships

From the WI Supreme Court (first attachment) the Alliance was part of the court hearing. (That was 2020)

However, the WI Dept of Finance shows the Alliance as dissolved in 2020: https://www.bizapedia.com/wi/the-national-alliance-for-targeted-parents-inc.html

From the Liberty Belles appearance on RBN Media, we tied the ACEs to the CDC’s push for vaccines as well as SEL (Social Emotional Learning)

From our SoL Rotten Wednesday, we tied ACEs to Resilient Cities (as I’ve proven since 2018), but we also tied it to a recent push for early learning ‘recovery’. https://www.commoncorediva.com/aiovg_videos/learning-loss-or-cash-cow/


US House of Representatives Ed/Labor Republicans and their ire over the Biden’s Administration supposed anti-school choice move: https://republicans-edlabor.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=408408 (Here’s a thought, this committee IS a part of the Biden Admin, so are they calling themselves out or simply playing partisan charades?)

From National Review, this article also plays Biden as the bad guy in education, for the charter school movement, BUT, look at how education is described! (Hint: “industry”) https://www.nationalreview.com/2022/04/bidens-war-on-charter-schools/
(*Note: the Exec. Order referred to in the NR article: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/07/09/executive-order-on-promoting-competition-in-the-american-economy/ )

AZ’s Universal School Choice Dog/Pony BS: https://fee.org/articles/arizona-s-new-school-choice-bill-moves-us-closer-to-milton-friedman-s-vision/

From the Salon: https://www.salon.com/2022/07/01/schools-out-forever-arizona-moves-to-public-education-with-new-universal-voucher-law/

The State of NV is gushing over AZ’s ‘miracle’: https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/editorials/editorial-arizona-shows-nevada-the-way-on-school-choice-2600056/

This AZ media source: https://www.thecentersquare.com/arizona/arizona-gop-sends-ducey-universal-school-choice-bill/article_1ec99016-f641-11ec-8eb3-07084e80ef92.html

The actual AZ House Bill: https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/BillOverview/77976

s.2853approp Revised by Tim Brown on Scribd

H.2853FloorTOMA Merged by Tim Brown on Scribd

h.2853floorhoffman Merged by Tim Brown on Scribd

HB2853H by Tim Brown on Scribd

Display Document by Tim Brown on Scribd

From AZ’s Dept of Education: https://azlibrary.gov/sla/agency_histories/state-board-education

From the AZ Legislative website: https://www.azleg.gov/searchresultsDOC/?insearch=public+funds+private+schools&titles=15

AZ Legislative results on vouchers: https://www.azleg.gov/searchresultsDOC/?insearch=vouchers&titles=15

From Ballotpedia, Article 11 of the AZ Constitution lays out what schools can receive money. Again, note private or homeschool doesn’t appear.

Now, under AZ State Statutes Chapter 11, each county has a superintendent:

See this link for their powers: https://www.azleg.gov/viewdocument/?docName=https://www.azleg.gov/ars/11/00511.htm

Which will be defined in Chapter 15 (education). See 15-302 for what the superintendents can do, it’s here where you see private schools and tribal schools, but not homeschools. https://www.azleg.gov/viewdocument/?docName=https://www.azleg.gov/ars/15/00302.htm

However, look at the Office of School Choice, housed in the Executive Branch for AZ: https://education.azgovernor.gov/edu/arizona-school-choice

Gov. Ducey’s record according to Open Secrets: His support for failed Theranos (bogus health care biotech)

His campaign donors: https://justfacts.votesmart.org/candidate/campaign-finance/123548/doug-ducey

ASU (a UN tied public university) hosted a Bi-national meeting, featuring Gov. Ducey.
Here’s the link. The video is about 8 minutes, but worth bringing up: https://news.asu.edu/20171108-asu-insight-arizona-and-mexico-leading-trade-governors-luncheon

My article below featured AZ Works and ties to the USMCA: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2020/06/02/crisis-alignment-urgent-news/ (It’s all workforce ed training)

Gov. Ducey is featured on ICV’s website (Investment Community Visibility). https://icvimpact.com/speaker/doug-ducey/ AND ICV’s ties to the UN:

One of the ICV projects for human health (which doesn’t discuss mental health, but it’s not a far stretch to see how it could be inserted)

The National Council for the UNA-USA has all the States broken into regions: https://unausa.org/national-council/ AND https://unausa.org/issue-areas/ (note that education is NOT a main issue)

Ducey’s Education Platform from Ballotpedia: https://ballotpedia.org/Doug_Ducey

While Gov. Ducey is a member of the National Gov. Assoc. (half owner of the Common Core State Standards), his wife also has a key position in NGA:

Main website for NGA: https://www.nga.org/

Gov Ducey is among the NGA Exec. Committee members: https://www.nga.org/governors/ngaleadership/

NGA’s work on ACEs: https://www.nga.org/center/publications/case-study-californias-aces-aware-initiative/

Resources for later:

1) My 28 pages of ACEs researched and published articles/videos: https://www.commoncorediva.com/?s=ACEs&submit=Search

2) From 2014, my article exposing ASU’s ties to GSV and the plank system to destroy America for We the People to create a goldmine for Big Tech:

3) The UN job listings for AZ: https://unjobs.org/field_locations/327340078915538944

4) The UN’s Association for the United States has a Phoenix, AZ chapter: https://unausa.org/chapter/phoenix/

5) My blog link to all 57 pages on ‘school choice’ and its fallacies: https://www.commoncorediva.com/?s=school+choice&submit=Search


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