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Setting Brushfires Radio Show

Local Media Finally Exposes Lee County Sheriff As Impersonating A Police Officer
For months, I have covered the story of Deanna Williams, a rape victim who has not just bee physically raped, but the attorney who claims she is a defender of women, Gloria Allred, left her open to be raped judicially by corrupt judges, corrupt and criminal attorneys and sexually pursued …

Setting Brushfires 07-10-2019: Rotten To The Core Wednesday With The Common Core Diva
The Common Core Diva, Lynne Taylor of Common Core Diva, joins us in the episode to talk about the three grants that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is unconstitutionally promoting with your tax dollars that infringes on your and your kid’s rights. Project Prevent is based off the final 2018 Report the Federal …

Setting Brushfires 07-09-2019: Jeffrey Epstein & The Lolita Express – Crash & Burn?
The recent re-arrest of billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein hit the news, but does it mean he’s actually going down or is this just more distraction from something larger? Articles mentioned in this episode: Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body with these non-transdermal patches Get your Vitamin …

Setting Brushfires 07-08-2019: Adrenochrome, CPS & The Business Of Trafficking, Killing & Selling The Blood Of Our Kids
Jim White of NorthWest Liberty News joins me to discuss Child Protective Services and their crimes against the people, and also how they are involved in child trafficking and on the really dark underbelly of the slaughter of children and Native Americans for their blood. At the center of it …

Setting Brushfires 07-05-2019: Female Democrat Criminal Politicians
The females of the Democrat party are among the more corrupt and criminal. From Senator Kamala Harris to Reps Frederica Wilson, AOC, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, it’s amazing that their blatant corruption and criminal activity is tolerated. Yet it is. On this episode, I cover a few of these …

Setting Brushfires 07-04-2019: Freedom Of Speech – Attacked By Facebook & Congress
If it isn’t Facebook attacking free speech, it’s Congress. In many cases, Facebook’s attack on free speech is unlawful, but in Congress’ case, it’s ALWAYS unlawful, according to the First Amendment. Articles mentioned in this episode: Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body with these non-transdermal patches …

Setting Brushfires 07-03-2019: Big Data: Do You Know What’s In Your Backyard?
As the 2020 election season is gearing up in hype, know that one of the main issues will NOT be education. What’s grabbing the attention of most Americans? Data. However, data comes in several forms and most definitely shows up in education! This is our special “Rotten to the Core” Wednesday …

Setting Brushfires 07-02-2019: Drag Queen Targeting Children Exposed & Suicide Rate Among LGBTQ
As the Drag Queen Story Hour continues to pop up all over the place, parents in Washington have had enough and protested against such vile targeting of their children, and the did so in the face of the intimidation of those who are also putting our children at risk. Additionally, …

Setting Brushfires 06-20-2019: Alex Jones, Child Porn, Sandy Hook & The Subversion Of Freedom
Infowars’ Alex Jones is now being accused of having child porn in his emails, but is he being set up or is this just another smear campaign by those that want to silence him as they attempted to do across media platform with simultaneous bans? In this episode, we’ll take …

Setting Brushfires 06-19-2019: Constitutional Money Preserves Value Of Money- Federal Reserve Doesn’t
Former Texas Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul awakened a generation to the scheme of the Federal Reserve and the role they play in the nation’s economy. In 2012, he told then Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke that though the Fed was claiming there is only a 2% inflation increase, that …