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Setting Brushfires Radio Show

Setting Brushfires 06-18-2019: Hundreds of Thousands of Illegals Released Into The Population, Work Permits & Diseases
Catch and release continues under the Trump administration. Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are being released into the US interior, just like Obama did, many of them given work permits, but not checked for diseases. They are being fed, clothed, housed, given healthcare and hygiene products on your dime, …

Setting Brushfires 06-20-2019: Muslims (Antichrists) Infiltrating America and American Government
From the disturbing the peace megaphone calls to prayer from a mosque in Brooklyn, New York to the numerous Islamists running for political office in the US, it’s clear that God is judging a nation that has cast off the restraints of His law and Him as King. In this …

Setting Brushfires 06-14-2019: Government Attacks Rights Of Gun Owners – Complicit In Child Trafficking?
We’re seeing out of both the current administration and Congress attacks on the right to keep and bear arms, all of which are unconstitutional. However, we also see some complicity in human trafficking whether it be at the local, state or federal level, and how does Child Protective Services play …

Setting Brushfires 06-13-2019: Robert Mueller Is Being Investigated By The Tennessee Bureau Of Investigation – Find Out Why
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller is being investigated by the Tennessee Bureau Of Investigation concerning the framing of a US veteran on gun charges. Navy veteran Walt Fitzpatrick joins me to expose the goods on Mueller’s criminal actions in the Volunteer state. Articles, sites and videos mentioned in this episode: …

Setting Brushfires 06-12-2019: 2 Former GOP Senators Shot To Death – Coincidence or Conspiracy?
Two former Republican state senators have been found shot to death in their homes within two days of each other. Former Arkansas Senator Linda Collins was found shot dead in her home on Tuesday and her body wrapped in a blanket. Then, on June 5, former Republican Oklahoma State Senator …

Setting Brushfires 06-11-2019: Politicians Attacking Your Gun Rights Through Your Kids’ Education
Wanna know where the silent attack on your right to keep and bear arms is coming from? Right under your own nose! Just as they did in Communist education systems, they are doing it in American public indoctrination centers (You know them as public schools). Lynne Taylor, the Common Core …

Setting Brushfires 06-10-2019: What Happened When The British Came To Take Our Founders’ Arms?
The History of the War for Independence is rich with knowledge if only America will pay attention to what occurred and how our founding fathers responded. In this episode of Setting Brushfires, I go through a little history that led up to the shot heard round the world and the …

Setting Brushfires 06-07-2019: America, You Need An Education On The Second Amendment!
With the latest unconstitutional talk coming out of the Trump administration to “seriously” consider banning gun suppressors, it’s high time the American people got a good lesson about the Second Amendment and our own history. This will be part one in a series. Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back …

Setting Brushfires 06-06-2019: The Federal Reserve, Congress, The President & Fiat Money – Recipe For Disaster
The Federal Reserve, Donald Trump and fiat currency. Are they really a remedy to Make America Great or just a means of manipulation to get votes while our debt and unconstitutional, deficit spending continue? See what the Constitution and the Bible have to say about it. Articles referenced in this …

Setting Brushfires 06-05-2019: Internet Censorship & The Man Who Is Fighting Back
Internet censorship is growing every day across social media platforms. While many are giving up, one man is fighting back and asking the people to join him. CEO and founder of USA.Life Steven Andrew joins me on this edition of Setting Brushfires and will tell you not only about his …