Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»Lee Garrett: This Is What Happens When You Help Cops Arrest Pedophiles & You Dig Too Deep

Lee Garrett: This Is What Happens When You Help Cops Arrest Pedophiles & You Dig Too Deep

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Lee Garrett is a young man in the UK who has given his time and energy to be the solution in his community. He’s aided the police in nabbing pedophiles, as well as patrolled his neighborhood. However, when Lee began to uncover that pedophilia was in areas of authority, those friends with their badges all of a sudden became his enemies. He joins me in this episode to tell his story.



Videos referenced in this episode of harassment by police and Lee’s arrest for apparently no good reason.

My previous interview with Lee.

I Hunt Pedophiles To Bring Them To Justice – Now I’m The One Targeted



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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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