Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»Whistleblower Maija Hahn Exposes The Vaccine Industry & Those Covering Up Their Crimes (Video)

Whistleblower Maija Hahn Exposes The Vaccine Industry & Those Covering Up Their Crimes (Video)

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Maija Hahn is a Speech Language Pathologist and Autism Specialist who has been on the frontlines of speaking truth against what has gone terribly wrong in our American Vaccine Program and the corruption within our regulatory agencies. She’s a mother of children who have been injured by vaccines and she is also a regional director for Michigan for Vaccine Choice. She joins me in this episode to expose what vaccines are actually doing and how manufacturers are being protected by corrupt politicians.

Join Maija on Telegram here and here

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Articles, slides and more resources mentioned in this episode.

Maija Hahn testifying before Michigan House Oversight Committee on bill to Ban Vaccine Passports

Florida Rep. Bill Posey Reads Doctors Account of Vaccine Dangers Report That Was Destroyed

Teens Stand Up: “I Will Not Wear The Mask… I Will Not Take The Vaccine… I Will Resist Evil… I Will Submit To God… I Will Defy Tyrants!” (Video)

CDC, Vaccines and Autism

The Real Bill Gates & His Ruthless, Money Hungry Pursuit Of Vaccines (Video)

Financial Shock & Awe: When It Comes To The Plandemic, Follow The Real Money… The Unthinkable Amount Of Money

The Real Bill Gates & His Ruthless, Money Hungry Pursuit Of Vaccines (Video)

Bill Gates Wants To Use Climate Change Hoax To Change “Every Aspect Of Economy” Like He Did With The Coronavirus Hoax

SCoPEx: Mr. Depopulation Bill Gates Wants To Spray Millions Of Tons Of Chalk Into The Atmosphere – Starting As Early As June!

Bill Gates & Food Corporations Worked To End Livestock Production – Pushed Lab-Grown Meat

The Man That Wants To Block The Sun, Inject You With Poison & Feed You Fake Meat Can’t Keep His Own Family Together

Charlotte Iserbyt: Reagan, The Soviets & The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

Tyranny Slayer & Basilico’s Owner Tony Roman: Don’t Give The Tyrants An Inch!

Vaccines, Autism & Chlorine Dioxide With Kerri Rivera

The Gavi Vaccine Summit, Mandatory Vaccines & Autism With Kerri Rivera

Chlorine Dioxide: A Universal Antidote With Dr. Andreas Kalcker (Video)

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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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