Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»The Gavi Vaccine Summit, Mandatory Vaccines & Autism With Kerri Rivera

The Gavi Vaccine Summit, Mandatory Vaccines & Autism With Kerri Rivera

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The Gavi Vaccine Summit 2020 was recently held in London and there was much discussion about vaccines and in some instances, mandatory ones. Vaccines have never actually been proven to prevent anything, but assumed. However, we do have vital information that vaccines are harmful and there are reports that indicate that it is linked to autism. Kerri Rivera joins me in this episode to talk about what went on at the Summit and as a woman who has helped many children with autism, she has a very unique perspective.


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Articles and videos mentioned in this episode.

Vaccines, Autism & Chlorine Dioxide With Kerri Rivera

Gavi Vaccine Alliance

What To Do If They FORCE You To Get Vaccinated


You Won’t Believe What’s In The Vaccines Being Discussed For Mandatory Vaccinations

Melinda Gates Goes Right After These People To Be First In Line For Vaccinations




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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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