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US Indentured Servitude Seeks Grandparents (Video)

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The District of Criminals is at it again, pushing their Marxist agenda forward by going after senior citizens in the workforce and seeking to align them with Communist standards set up in education since Reagan. The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in this Rotten to the Core Episode to reveal exactly what is going on.

Articles, links, videos and bonus videos mentioned in this episode, along with additional resources provided by Lynne.

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1) The AmeriCorps Press Release for the new call to find ways to ‘entice’ Grandma & Grandpa to work: https://www.americorps.gov/newsroom/press-release/americorps-seeks-proposals-support-older-americans-workforce-development

1a) From the Republican Committee on Ed & Labor: https://republicans-edlabor.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=408680

2) Here’s the 2023 Proposal (note the use of ‘career tracks’): https://americorps.gov/funding-opportunity/fy-2023-americorps-seniors-workforce-development-senior-demonstration-program

3) From 2021, this article was covered on one of our Rotten Wednesdays. It featured AmeriCorps: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2021/08/02/u-s-dept-of-education-our-pretended-savior/  (*Note: Look just above the mustard and ketchup image)

4) From 2016, this archive of mine began with the grab for babies and the workforce, but also extended it to those beyond college, and, even to the SR years: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/04/19/play-money/

5) This one from 2018, showed in several images the ‘cradle to grave’ system of education:  https://www.commoncorediva.com/2018/03/14/finger-pointing/

6) From 2020, my article about Adult Charter Schools also featured the push for ‘free money’ for those over age 50 to go back to school. It’s this article where we began to see Marc Tucker’s Estonia model of ‘cradle to grave’ education FOR labor take shape: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2020/11/24/for-adults-only/

7) This was one of our shows on the topic: https://www.commoncorediva.com/aiovg_videos/for-adults-only-the-united-nations-department-of-education-have-set-their-sights-on-all-ages/

8) This was also related: https://www.commoncorediva.com/aiovg_videos/lenins-crushing-of-the-working-class-between-taxation-inflation-is-happening-today-in-the-us/

9) From May of this year, our show: https://www.commoncorediva.com/aiovg_videos/congress-uses-tips-they-learned-from-silicon-valley-to-control-you-cradle-to-grave/

10) From Congress, this House Bill was trotted out in 2021: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/5531/text?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22Older+Americans+Workforce%22%2C%22Older%22%2C%22Americans%22%2C%22Workforce%22%5D%7D&r=7&s=1

11) From the Administration on Aging (housed in the US Dept of HHS, this website: https://acl.gov/about-acl/administration-aging AND From US Labor, the Older Americans re-entry into the workforce has been glorified by the Super PAC for the AARP: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/odep/program-areas/individuals/older-workers back to work: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/reports/older-worker-initiative)

**The AARP was featured in last week’s show about the AI Push for workers in the Adult Charter School resource from my blog:

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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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