Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»School Shooting, Mental Health & A New Government Tyranny Advancing (Video)

School Shooting, Mental Health & A New Government Tyranny Advancing (Video)

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We’ve addressed many school shootings in the past, from Columbine to Sandy Hook. We’ve even covered school shootings you have never heard about, one which left over 2,000 people dead, and another that killed 300 and injured more than 800. Those didn’t even occur in the US, but the Mockingbird media and corrupt politicians would have you believe the US is “gun crazy” and that more measures like the stupid idea of “gun free zones” need to be imposed, despite the fact that the vast majority of mass shootings occur in “gun free zones.” However, it’s worse than that and the recent shooting that took place at Oxford High School, which now is leading prosecutors to target parents of the gunman, is setting a dangerous precedent, an unlawful one, to hold parents accountable for the actions of their children, something contrary to Scripture and to the US Constitution. The Common Core Diva joins me in this Rotten to the Core episode to expound upon what is really going on.

Articles, videos and links mentioned in this episode along with additional resources provided by Lynne.

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The School Shooting That Killed Over 300 & Injured Nearly 800 That You Probably Didn’t Hear About In The Media

As Politicians & Media Attack Your Second Amendment Rights, Remember The Coverup Of The Columbine High School Shooting

Contrary To The Propaganda, America Doesn’t Lead The World In Mass Shootings

The School Shooting That Resulted In Over 2,000 Killed That The Gun Grabbers Won’t Tell You About & Why

This one image illustrates how the system has abused everyone in the current MI situation.

SEL push behind all this to connect to the UN’s global mental health assault.
(Here’s the archive about that: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2020/03/05/head-shrinking-educrats/)

Then, we’ll go to this image and talk about the lines being blurred on purpose to manipulate not only taxpayer dollars, but community services. While the image is of a US Congressional bill which failed to become law, the status quo has taken advantage of COVID to implement all the overreaches anyway while using the same funding streams:

This link will show the statement about the parents of the Oxford High School student being made examples of: https://abcnews.go.com/US/michigan-school-shooting-suspects-parents-charged/story?id=81525654&cid=social_fb_abcn

The Taylor vs KY Supreme Court decision laying the basic legal right for innocence before guilt (which has totally been thrown out, it appears): https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/presumption_of_innocence

What scapegoating has been turned into under the social justice/restorative justice/6 ways of resilience models: https://thepsychpractice.com/plog/2017/11/15/scapegoating-what-it-is-and-how-to-understand-it AND https://psycnet.apa.org/search/display?id=6e655767-f0e9-5006-5dbf-74024e38a3bf&recordId=1&tab=PA&page=1&display=25&sort=PublicationYearMSSort%20desc,AuthorSort%20asc&sr=1

Of course, I included the Biblical context, but didn’t cite the verses.

Right after Columbine, my 2014 article on the CCSS Machine’s use of the tragedy to exploit education: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2014/12/14/rmt-sunday-beware-of-project-aware/

The 2021 White House justification for more gun control and how it relates to schools: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/10/19/fact-sheet-improving-access-and-care-for-youth-mental-health-and-substance-use-conditions/

All this will set the stage for the rest of the show, which is questioning the PBIS (positive behavior and interventions supports) being used:

My previous articles on PBIS: https://www.commoncorediva.com/?s=PBIS&submit=Search

The MI Model of Health: https://www.michiganmodelforhealth.org/

The justice twist of restorative/PBIS garbage: https://www.iirp.edu/defining-restorative/restorative-justice-typology

The Daily Wire article questioning the success of a manipulative system set up before ESSA, but codified IN the fed ed law: https://www.dailywire.com/news/oxford-high-school-appears-to-have-used-controversial-restorative-discipline-practices-prior-to-school-shooting

(Note: the Oxford High School Code of Conduct link is in the Daily Wire article and must be shared. It’s within the pages parents can see the set up families face under this restorative justice system)

Here’s the link to the main website for Oxford High School: https://oxfordhigh.oxfordschools.org/

The one school entity which manages Oxford High School also supports collectivism, which is a huge key of restorative justice: https://thesuntimesnews.com/g/dexter-mi/n/53386/washtenaw-superintendents-association-issues-statement-care-and-concern-our

This is a short video about ALICE (the system created post Columbine to address school/workplace invasions). ALICE stands for alert, lockdown, inform, counter and evacuate.

Please note the music, the fear based language. If I hear it enough, I’ll start thinking about it. The same concept has been used in anti suicide school programs, yet those numbers are increasing, not decreasing. Which leads to the further CDC/Kaiser Permanente push for ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and their need to be wiped out so resilience compliant citizens can be groomed.: https://www.alicetraining.com/our-program/?source=ppc&utm_term=alice%20training&utm_campaign=SMG+-+ALICE+Brand&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=9485430983&hsa_cam=6500648055&hsa_grp=80592207996&hsa_ad=416702327669&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-324738845735&hsa_kw=alice%20training&hsa_mt=e&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gclid=Cj0KCQiAqbyNBhC2ARIsALDwAsBj1s9-5iWU7Un1VZkEwDDbwd85ea7YlMTss6T69416MUYF2bZvEHoaAlfIEALw_wcB

ALICE is run by a CCSS Machine member group which also sets up massive data tracking systems via ALICE in the name of school safety: https://navigate360.com/?__hstc=49091321.e206a17d71a4cfd5a7091f7004e5fb8c.1638887799259.1638887799259.1638887799259.1&__hssc=49091321.2.1638887799259&__hsfp=288155164

So, if the system was already broken and all that money to implement ALICE, will this latest incident find MI schools (or any other State’s) once again turning schools into more prison-like facilities? Remember, ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act mandated ‘safe schools’. The COVID-19 CARES Act and other related school funding also included ‘safe schools’. However, and this is where folks will not be looking: the net cast for safe school is larger than ever. It’s not just about aiding Johnny and Suzy’s academic prowess. It’s about controlling minds with shifted attitudes, values and beliefs. Remember, this is NOT exclusive to K-12th grade public schools; this shifts are COMMUNITY WIDE (thus an increase in community schools, also found in ESSA and fully supported by the CCSS Machine!

Related items (and also in my article):
1) Currently, in the 117th Congress are a pair of bills which are designed to increase the amount of funding to expand mental health overreaches under the guise of preventing substance abuse. S 987 and HR 4341 (CARA 3.O Act)

2) HR 5469 will expand community wide mental health overreaches via SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) housed in the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services.) This Bill has already passed the House and is in the Senate. It uses racial inequalities as the platform, yet the Bill doesn’t use ‘equality’, but “equity”. Once again, this points to money is more important than people.)

3) The Sons of Liberty interview on the CCSS Machine’s continued quest to dissolve our 1st and 2nd Amendments rights.

4) This 2020 Chalkbeat article detailed the failures of the MI approach to student discipline as being at least 3 years old. In 2021, the same media source detailed the scaling back of law enforcement in MI schools.

Action items:

1) know what codes/conduct are in your schools (your tax $ pays for it)

2) know what types of this are in after school programs, apprenticeships or higher education

3) Operate outside a spirit of fear

4) Meet with like minded parents and create a safety net of support outside the status quo

5) Educate your teachers, principals, city officials, and clergy. Most of this is an unethical as can be


Access my 2021 Advent/Epiphany Guide to help blow the spirits of fear, dread and doubt out the door (suggested donation is $2.00 per copy. Just leave your email address in the comment line of my CC Diva PayPal link: https://www.commoncorediva.com/donate/

Once I get your email address, I’ll send it. It can also be accessible from SoL, and suggested donation is still $2.00 per copy. We’ve just past the 2nd Sunday of Advent, so you still have time to get is a godly mindset to make the most of this season.

Advent 2021_Epiphany 2022 F… by Tim Brown

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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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