Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»Pimping UN’s Sustainable Development Goals & LGBTQ In The Olympics

Pimping UN’s Sustainable Development Goals & LGBTQ In The Olympics

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This year’s Olympics pale in comparison to past Olympics. However, the push for the LGBTQ, twisted agenda by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is on full display for all to see as the world heads in the direction of Sodom. The Common Core Lynne Taylor exposes what is going on at the Olympics and also provides a very bright light for the kingdom of God near the end.

Articles and links mentioned in this episode.

Teens Stand Up: “I Will Not Wear The Mask… I Will Not Take The Vaccine… I Will Resist Evil… I Will Submit To God… I Will Defy Tyrants!” (Video)

FOR THE CHILDREN – This week only through Saturday, August 14, 2021 at midnight, Buy 1 Get 1 Free!

The Prisoner’s Record on Telegram

Who Did NAZI This Coming? Vaccine Passport Company Owned By Nazi Joseph Goebbels’ Step Grand Children

‘Tears running down her cheeks’: Malaysian singer dies from COVID-19 days after giving birth

Exposed: 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony Predictive Programming For COVID-19 (Video)

We’ll use this link to discuss the open signal of the SDGs from the Opening Ceremony: https://www.indiatvnews.com/sports/other/singers-perform-imagine-at-tokyo-olympics-opening-ceremony-721497

Next, we’ll use this link to the Tokyo Sustainable Development Goals alignment:

This link from a CA based Special Olympics entity is using lavender as a tool for inclusiveness (not only gender, but skin, econ, etc.) https://www.sonc.org/sites/default/files/even_though_i_am_lavender.pdf

This link shows the on-line, free resources on teaching about the Olympics. (Note the Sesame Street reference.) https://sharemylesson.com/collections/olympic-lesson-plans

Follow that Sesame Street reference to this Disney news: https://www.vulture.com/2021/07/watch-muppet-babies-gonzo-is-a-disney-princess-now.html (Note that this targets 3 years of age to age 8)

The direct link to the Tokyo LGBTQ efforts: https://olympics.com/tokyo-2020/en/games/di-efforts/
The GLAAD Media Guide for those addressing the LGBTQ community: https://www.glaad.org/sites/default/files/GLAADOlympicsMediaGuide.pdf

Follow with the fact Pres. Trump also advanced the LGBTQ community’s presence: https://www.commoncorediva.com/?s=Trump+LGBTQ&submit=Search

The AP news article about the Tokyo Olympics advancement of the LGBTQ athletes: https://apnews.com/article/2020-tokyo-olympics-sports-lifestyle-nhl-ap-top-news-4c4d04b03dc0f3a070e287be092c50d4

We’ll then use this news article (see last attached image) to prove not all is Sodom and Gomorrah: https://sportsspectrum.com/sport/olympics/2021/08/06/gold-medalist-sydney-mclaughlin-christ-greater/
Related research:
1) My past article on the UN grab of the Olympics:

2) The CCSS Machine’s grasp on the Special Olympics:

3) How the UN has breached the line between public/private ed into homeschooling:

4) From 2014, my look at the CCSS Machine ruining sports in education at all levels:

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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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