Noahide Laws & Biden’s American Recovery Program – Exposing The Evil Duo
The Noahide updates/the American Recovery Program (which super hypes COVID relief) will all work together against us. They need to be exposed for the evil they are and the Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me for Rotten to the Core Wednesday on The Sons of Liberty morning show to do just that.
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Articles and resources mentioned in this episode.
How The Support Of Zionism & Modern Israel Is An Attack On Christ & His Church
Gnosticism, Kabbalah, & Freemasonry: Sources of the French Revolution & the Age of Revolutions
The Supernatural In Our Political World & Empire
From Genesis To The 1800s: Key Themes In Jewish History
Worldview Conflicts in the Middle East: Varieties of Jewish Belief
Judaic & Islamic Worldviews Including Zionism & Sufism & How They Impact America & The Middle East
2) The President’s Guide to Noahide from Schneerson:
3) The Institute for Noahide Code’s article on the increase of Moment of Silence across the world in schools/communities. We covered Moment in previous shows.
4) The 7for70 website. This was a link sent to me by another Warrior. I’ve no clue as to the date, but given the present state of our nation, especially in COVID ‘relief’, this is big:
4a) the 7for70’s ‘Seven Laws’ page:
4b) The link from 7for70’s page to the “Universal 7 Laws”:
5) The homepage for the IPCGE (Inter Parliamentary Coalition for Global Ethics):
5a) The IPCGE’s YouTube video (2:05 minutes long and we’ll play it through):
(pages 4, 7, 9 then go to the chapter for Interfaith (near pages 147; We’ll need 148 and 149; then the chapter for 5 pillars of education for global cohesion, near page 153)
Resources related to COVID ‘relief’ that will also tie to Noahide, the ARP, and Op Warpspeed: 7) The Vax Certification Link which shows its requirement to return to work, school, and life: https://vaccinationcredential.
8) Dr. June D. Knight’s WATB presentation on the Vaccine Passports in the works by the Biden Administration (where the Vax Certs were mentioned):
9) The White House Press Release not even 48 hours old:
(the entire brief is over 1 hours, but there is at least 40 minutes of ‘dead air’. The ties to COVID relief, NOAHIDE, UN’s SDGs are woven throughout. You’ll also hear social justice, ‘union jobs’, etc. Near 41:19 you’ll hear how the CDC is overreaching into private property/renters. Then, near 44:24, COVID question (ends near 46:00); The COVID PASSPORT content is near 49:13 and ends nears 51:09. You’ll hear fed guidance on vaccines, interagency work on verification of vax; no centralized data (means blockchain which is the technocracy tie to Noahide), no fed mandates for vax, but maybe allowed under ‘public health interests’.
9a) This almost 40 minute video details from a Dr, the decentralized dangers of medical records, This Dr is from Microsoft:
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