From Genesis To The 1800s: Key Themes In Jewish History
Throughout the history of Israel, there have always been the people of God and those within who departed from Him. From the exodus from Egypt, there were always those that wanted to do things their way and not have faith in God. God was always sending the prophets to call them to repentance for their spiritual adulteries, and after Babylon, it became even worse. Even the Son of God called out their abominations and lies. In this episode, Victor Porlier continues an examination of Jewish history and worldview that has tremendous influence upon our world and not necessarily for good.
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Previous shows in this series and additional sources for further study that Victor recommends.
Jews, God, and History by Max I. Dimont: A modernist Jewish historian – well written.
A History of Jews: From The Babylonian Exile to The Present by Solomon Grayzel: Informative history from a conservative Jewish perspective.
The Invention of the Jewish People by Shlomo Sand
A History of the Jews by Paul Johnson: An engagingly written history by a modernist-liberal Catholic.
Anything by Gershom Scholem especially The Messianic Idea on Judaism, Trends in Jewish Mysticism
, On the Kabbalah & its Symbolism
, and Sabbatai Ṣevi: The Mystical Messiah
, 1626–1676
The Jewish Mystique by Ernest Van Den Haag: One of my favorite modern Jewish secular scholars from my university days on – even when in disagreement.
Images from the Israeli Supreme Court:
These previous shows are in chronological order:
WWI & Its Aftermath – The History Of The US & The Middle East In The 20th Century
Great Game of Geopolitics: Central Banking, Empires & The East India Company
The British Empire, Islam, Renaissance Gnosticism, Freemasonry, & Rhodes-Rothschild Round Table
Today’s Results Of The Competing Thinkers, Political Actors & Events Of The 1700s & 1800s
Judaic & Islamic Worldviews Including Zionism & Sufism & How They Impact America & The Middle East
Worldview Conflicts in the Middle East: Varieties of Jewish Belief
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