Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»HR1: The “For The People Act” Is Actually The “Government Against The People Act”

HR1: The “For The People Act” Is Actually The “Government Against The People Act”

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The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me for this episode of The Sons of Liberty to expose the agenda embedded in HR1 before the Congress titled “The For The People Act of 2021.” However, what we discover is that this is a bill that is not only unconstitutional but seeks to pit the government against the people and entrench sitting politicians permanently in the seat of government, along with many other acts of tyranny in the bill.

Articles and resources mentioned in this episode provided by Lynne.

“For The People”?!

Related Bill to HR 1, is HR 65 which is a same day voter register/vote bill:

Public Law 110-69 which is embedded in HR 1(PL 110-69 is the America COMPETES Act) opened up the data mining streams on students of all ages/choices):

Page numbers to feature and published in my article:

Page 52 points out that upon registration at a higher education institution, the student would automatically be registered to vote. Schools must affirm that the students are American citizens to be eligible to vote. Read carefully between pages 52 and 54. By the end of page 54, it appears that enrollment status is tied to agreement to vote or declining to vote.

Page 56 refers to automatic registration at a higher education institution is an ‘opportunity’. Again, did the Congressional members not read the Constitution?

Page 57 is where the secondary education first appears. Here, it’s in the form of education data tracking as laid out in the 2007 “America COMPETES Act” (Public Law 110-69) the real title of this law is ‘‘America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science Act’’.

Pages 59 and 60 will show that any higher education institution participating in the voter registration is considered a State Contributing Agency. This is where distance learning is embedded.

Page 61 is where the U.S. Secretary of Education is first mentioned as being involved. Page 72 lays out the grant system that higher education institutions can be eligible for as found on Page 73.

Page 94 is where you can find more about voters and secondary education under Part 9, Section 1901 (not to be confused with the Section 1901 mentioned earlier). Here’s the description of Part 9. Section 1901:
Warriors, read from Page 94 to 97 very carefully, for it’s here you’ll see the voting age is dropped to 16 years of age and the alignment to the ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (aka ESEA, Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965).

Page 218 is where Section 1901 Subtitle N begins. This ties back to the use of higher education institutions as voter registration points. That stated, this is where the infrastructure and technology changes begin. You’ll find more out on Page 219 to 223. (*Note on Page 223, notice how the education location may be considered the student’s point of registration and not the physical home address or location of the student.) Over on Pages 372 and 373 you’ll find out the costs and other infrastructure/technology updates. Price tag for this part is a ‘mere’ $20 million.

One Page 382, you can see in large print the following: “Subtitle C—Enhancing Protections for United States Democratic Institutions SEC. 3201. NATIONAL STRATEGY TO PROTECT UNITED STATES DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS.” Warriors, it’s here that the U.S. Dept. of Education’s Secretary is included in a planning capacity for saving our democracy’s institutions. Don’t stop there, read on to Page 391 and learn how a new expansion in federal government is involved!

Related and to use:

National Review’s article on the dangers of ‘woke’ civics’ at the State’s level:

(*Note in the article conservative group Hillsdale College is mentioned as a source for guidance. HC was also appointed to the Trump’s 1776 Commission to ‘combat’ 1619. If we remember, the 1776 Commission was brought about by an Exec. Order and therefore unconstitutional! See my previous video rebuttal we’ve featured before: https://www.commoncorediva.com/aiovg_videos/trumps-1776-executive-order-is-unconstitutional/)

Why bring up Hillsdale College? They support charter schools, which are P3s (public private partnerships). These charters are NOT meant simply for K-12 students, but ADULTS as well:

(Hillsdale also has joined forces with the likes of HSLDA to promote “School Choice Week”, which, ironically, is THIS week!)

HSLDA has joined Jeb Bush’s “School Choice Week” to promote ESAs (Education Savings Accounts) which has $ following the child (all ages/ed choices) to set up a data trail. All the 115th, 116th, and 117th Congress’s have been over backwards to promote the fallacies of ‘choice’, ed savings accounts, and remained silent of the massive setup these bring to force a bitcoin/cyber-chain existence for our students of ALL ages!

Republicans’ House Committee on Ed/Labor’s “School Choice” thumbs up:
(*Note: See my previously published article:https://www.commoncorediva.com/2020/05/28/when-lies-rule/)

The Senate HELP Committee is set to be headed by Sen. Pattie Murray (who co-sponsored ESSA with Sen. Lamar Alexander). Among Murray’s goals via ESSA, which will certainly gain attention in the 117th: universal PreK and ‘school choice’:

What to watch on ‘school choice’:

Congress will attack 2 ways, both nationally and state-wide. This is NOT a new tactic, but under Pres. Biden, just like former Pres. Trump, COVID is the scapegoat issue and ‘lack of learning’ is the excuse.

(Here’s an example: https://www.chalkbeat.org/2021/1/11/22225865/money-schools-education-democrats-senate-biden)

These funds come with strings that even homeschools cannot escape. We covered that in May 2020 and again exposed the catches in the recently signed into law PL 116-260. The States will be the ‘bad guy’ in this and we need to watch how home education is ensnared to be compliant with public education. In other words, one big mess.

We also need to watch citizen/immigrant legislation, too. This will be tied into not only education, but civics.

Resources for now/later:

Why lowering the voting age in Argentina is a lesson we should be heeding very much so, right now:

The US group pushing lowering the voting age:

(*Note the above website is a project of  Generation Citizen or GC. Look at the 2020 Annual Report, on Page 35 and you’ll see several recognizable CCSS Machine groups: https://generationcitizen.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/GC_2020_Annulal_Report_FINAL_300dpi.pdf)

A 2012 Danish Study the vote16usa website is using: http://www.kaspermhansen.eu/Work/JEPOP_Bhatti&Hansen_2012_young.pdf (the tone is one of leaving the nest at an early age)

Which will connect in ways to the 2009 UNESCO cartoonish publication about ‘democracy’ and voting. Here’s the text from P 64. Read closely:

“it is a cardinal principle of ‘free and fair’ elections that the electoral process should not be controlled by, or give an unfair advantage to, the party or parties in office. This requirement should extend to the timing, as well as the conduct, of elections.
34. Should anyone be denied the right to vote?

The usual exclusions operating in most democracies are for children, convicted criminals and foreign residents. This is a very ‘mixed bag’, and there are different rationales for each category. The exclusion of children below a certain age is justified by both common sense and developmental psychology. Below a certain age, most children do not have sufficient experience or sufficient sense of the long-term consequences of their choices to be treated non-paternalistically. In most societies, there is a ‘clustering’ of rights which children attain together and which define adulthood: the right to marry, to own property, to initiate legal proceedings in one’s own person, and to vote. These usually coincide around the age of eighteen, with the latest age for leaving secondary school and with the obligation for military service.

Determinate age limit
Any fixed age, however, is bound to be somewhat arbitrary. There is evidence that children nowadays mature earlier than in the past. Some rights, e.g. to earn wages in full-time employment, they attain before eighteen. And there is regrettable truth in the argument that some children need protection from the adults who are supposedly responsible for them, and that this requires them to be given a say in their lives much earlier. In any case, maturing is a continuous process, and preparation for democratic citizenship should involve some participation in collective decision-making in family and school from the earliest age possible. However, none of these considerations is sufficiently compelling to merit lowering the voting age in public elections significantly below eighteen, or to undermine the symbolic importance of having a particular moment when everyone is recognized by society as attaining the status and rights of adulthood together.”
Source: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000181392/PDF/181392eng.pdf.multi

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