Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»FEMA, FEMA Camps, Martial Law & Unconstitutional Executive Orders Designed To Destroy Your Liberty

FEMA, FEMA Camps, Martial Law & Unconstitutional Executive Orders Designed To Destroy Your Liberty

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There are so many unconstitutional things in place in our government that could be wielded with a tyranny against the people than anything the British did to our forefathers. From the unconstitutional Federal Emergency Management Agency to the numerous camps bearing the agency’s name to the unconstitutional declarations of martial law to unconstitutional executive orders that have been put in place – they are all a threat to every single citizen of the sovereign states of the united States.

The article I referenced can be found below.

FEMA, FEMA Camps, Martial Law & The Unconstitutional Executive Orders That Are In Place That Threaten The Liberty Of Every Citizen Of The US



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