Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»Since When Did Working Become Such A Crime That Feds Are Fining Thousands & CPS Gets Involved?

Since When Did Working Become Such A Crime That Feds Are Fining Thousands & CPS Gets Involved?

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Oregon Communist Governor Kate Brown has acted unlawfully in her state just as many governors have to declare essential and non-essential businesses, but what is non-essential to her is very essential to the people who built those businesses and those that work for them. The latest example is Lindsey Graham, no not the spineless senator from my home state, but the woman in Oregon who opened her salon was fined $14,000 by OSHA and had CPS at her door questioning her 3-year-old little girl without an attorney and without her parents present in the room. Enough! People, this government has gone way beyond what our forefathers tolerated…. way beyond!

The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it. – Josef Mengele

Videos, tweets and articles referenced in this episode.

Federal Judge: Trump’s Labor Secretary’s Attorneys Broke Law in Jeffrey Epstein Case

Don’t Forget That The Man Who Gave Jeffrey Epstein His Sweetheart Deal That Let Him Go Free Is Now Trump’s Labor Secretary

Salon Owner Fined $14,000 for Reopening, Then Child Protective Services Question Her Kid

Texas: Armed Supporters Show Up To Guard Dallas Salon Defying COVID-19 Stay-At-Home Order

Texas: With Armed Protesters In Front Of Her Salon, Business Owner Dares Cops To Arrest Her For Opening (Video)

Texas: Dallas Salon Owner Who Defied Tyrannical Lockdown & Reopened Her Business Gets 7 Days Jail, Fined $7,000

Texas: Attorney General Tells Judge To Free Dallas Woman Who Defied COVID-19 Orders To Open Her Business: “His Order Is Shameful Abuse Of Judicial Discretion”

Jailed Salon Owner Freed By TX Supreme Court – Rakes In $500K From GoFundMe Donations

Michigan: Armed Militia Successfully Blocking Cops From Arresting Barber For Defying Lockdown



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Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

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