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Tim Brown

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at, and and; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.

And people wonder why the Protestant Reformation occurred and the Reformers referred to the Pope as antichrist (Vicarius Christi). Pope Francis, who is known for his totally anti-biblical worldview, continues to lead millions astray and the latest comment to a group of high school students in Rome is just another …
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America is on the edge and tensions are rising. Impeachment, Russian collusion, red-flag laws, gun control, illegal immigration, constant accusations of racism, transgenderism and finally, the rising debt are all lending to the perfect storm where absolute chaos will enable the globalists to enact the control they have been pursuing …
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It was prophesied from the beginning that there would come a deliverer, a savior of men. Throughout history, God provided signposts that marked what this savior would be like and how we could identify Him. He showed us what the savior would do through types and antitypes in history. Finally, …
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Has President Donald Trump actually been impeached? Is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi guilty of obstruction of justice? Will the Bidens answer for their crimes? Are the American people even aware of the unconstitutional legislation and treaties that are being authorized right under their noses while being shrouded in the WWE …
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As Virginia’s representatives and governor act outside the confines of the law to oppress their people in what can only be seen as a pressure point to see just how far people will tolerate tyranny, the vast majority of counties in Virginia have declared themselves to be Second Amendment Sanctuary …
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While America has been fed the WWE Royal Rumble of Impeachment, Congress has passed more unconstitutional legislation, including the tyrannical PATRIOT Act reauthorization, is looking to reauthorize the Higher Education Act, and the House has passed amnesty for over a million illegals. However, it’s not just Congress. The President signed …
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“If the world only had the eyes to see the fibers which lay under the surface of Walt Disney’s image, they’d tar and feather him, and drag him through the streets. If only they knew what Disney’s primary goal is.”  In a stunning piece of investigative journalism, The Sharp Edge …
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Strayer University has developed “Binge Learning” to engage your brain more. According to their research, our brains are hard-wired to be actively engaged so we take in more education. However, consider that TOO much on-line viewing is bad for our health. Strayer University is supposedly for adults and adult learning. …
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The Waco siege was the siege of a compound belonging to the religious sect Branch Davidians, carried out by American federal and Texas state law enforcement, as well as the U.S. military, between February 28 and April 19, 1993. The incident began when the ATF attempted to raid the ranch. …
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On Monday, December 9th, 2019, the pro-life organizations were heralding the ultrasound law in Kentucky not being struck down by the Supreme Court.   What you need to understand, however, is such laws are why the slaughter of the preborn continues. Yes – you heard me right.  The pro-life organizations …
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