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One Nation Under Educratic Fascism

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Mussolini once stated that ‘fascism should more appropriately be called “Corporation” because it’s a merger of state and corporate power.’

States have been taking the fed’s cheese for some time now. They are also buying into taking it from corporations through public-private partnerships and violations of the US Constitution. It’s all aimed at profiting corporations, advancing a United Nations agenda and enslaving you and your kids. In this episode of Rotten to the Core Wednesday, the Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me to expose this fascist agenda.

Articles mentioned and additional resources provided by Lynne.

Teens Stand Up: “I Will Not Wear The Mask… I Will Not Take The Vaccine… I Will Resist Evil… I Will Submit To God… I Will Defy Tyrants!” (Video)

One Nation Under Educratic Fascism?!

West Virginia’s Bait and Switch Offer: https://ascendwv.com/the-offer/
($12k and tons of ‘perks’ to get you to move from your home to their assigned locations.)

The Silicon Valley Technocrat leading the offer: https://ascendwv.com/the-offer/program-overview/(CEO/Owner of Intuit/Turbo Tax will ‘invest’ in more P3s to align where you live and work from home.)

West Virginia’s Most Educated Locations:https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/west-virginia/smart-cities-wv/(where most of these meet the Ascend program)

If you want to see the other Big Technocratic companies:https://www.svlg.org/member-companies/

West Virginia Univ houses a Model UN Club: https://munclub.orgs.wvu.edu/ (This satisfies several UN agenda points for WV)

WVU also houses the Center for Resilient Communities (where all kinds of social justice and social emotional learning are manipulated before being spread across the nation)
https://resilientcommunities.wvu.edu/about/principles (These are the principles supported not only by the WVU Center, but the One Foundation, too. That’s another Big Technocratic entity started by the former CEO/owner of Cellular One.

See: https://all-onefoundation.org/#marz)

The Gov of WV’s Press Release for Virgin’s Hyperloop Hub: https://governor.wv.gov/News/press-releases/2020/Pages/Gov.-Justice-announces-Virgin-Hyperloop-to-build-Hyperloop-Certification-Center-in-West-Virginia.aspx

Since all this is being done in the name of Covid relief economics, my previous article we discussed on another show where the STEM jobs for the STEM people will create STEM cities:

From a WV media source, 2018. UN’s Philip Alston visited WV: https://www.wvpublic.org/news/2018-06-11/un-poverty-report-finds-shocking-inequality-in-worlds-richest-nation

Alston’s findings on the UN website will use the information gleaned to align to the SDGs and the UN Human Rights Declaration. Watch that the Ascend WV doesn’t throw this in, too: https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=23172&LangID=E

Charleston, WV’s proof that P3s have been in education since 2003: https://www.charlestonwv.gov/government/charleston-progress

The WV’s/World Vision (ties to Noahide like Samaritan’s Purse which we covered previously, too) UN aligned plan for Resilient people in resilient towns: https://www.wvi.org/sites/default/files/Resilient%20Cities%20Summary_Final.pdf

My previous article on the Resilience movement: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2018/05/12/dollars-before-dears/

Resiliency is also being used as a way to force climate change: https://nca2014.globalchange.gov/report/regions/northeast (scroll to the bottom and see the number of US federal agencies using the term ‘global change/government’.)

1) The interview where the document showing World Vision’s ties (as well as Samaritan’s Purse to the UN, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which encompass technology, STEM, CTE, resilience, education, health care, and, everything about our food, shelter, water, and, air.

2) The archived article I wrote about the Technocracy Party which is key to so much of this alignment we’re seeing. If you’re not following my fellow Warrior, Patrick Wood with his vast research in the technocratic events harming America, I urge you to begin.

H/T Aaron Nichols:
"One of the saddest things I’ve seen in my entire life.

Sitting in the backyard, enjoying the stars…

Posted by Bantam Joe on Tuesday, April 20, 2021

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