Does The President Have Authority To Declare National Medical Emergencies & More From The Cancer Vault (Video)
In this episode, John Richardson from VitaminB174U.com joins me and we discuss the new initiative that he is a part: Operation World Without Cancer. We’ll discuss one of the key things they have called for which is for President-elect Trump to declare a national medical emergency, for which there is …

Winning Against Agents Of The State In Montana Only To Confront More In NC (Video)
In this episode, we welcome back Jesse Boyd for an update on his win in the state of Montana against the agents of the state that conspired against him and his family and ministry team two years ago, and we’ll also discuss a recent interaction with agents of the state …

Fame Does NOT Equal Brains (Video)
In this episode, the Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me as we look at a few Hollywood actors getting in on the propaganda and indoctrination of “education” and show you what they are actually engaged in. Visit Common Core Diva 1) The ABC video: https://abc.com/episode/2b85118b-fcbc-450b-9bc0-afea20016f4e/playlist/PL557226598 The Bipartisan Safer Schools/Community …

Christ Came To Celebrate A Wedding (Video)
In this episode, we’ll take a look at the parable Jesus told in Matthew 22, along with other promises that were to be fulfilled in the Old Covenant, which were fulfilled between the cross and the destruction of Jerusalem. We’ll also consider passages like 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 in light of …

Kate Shemirani: Diffuse Esophageal Spasm & Update On Investigation Into Her Daughter’s Murder (Video)
In this episode, nurse and nutritionist Kate Shemirani joins me to discuss esophageal spasms that are becoming more common place and the origin of these spasms is easily detected and can be remedied. However, doctors are saying there’s really nothing they can do but treat that symptom because they have …

Clash Of The Covenants (Video)
In this episode, we’ll pick up where we left off and that is in seeing how God fulfilled His covenant with Old Testament Israel in every detail up and unto the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD, which ended it and fully showed forth His New Covenant with a new heavens …

How Understanding The Coming Of Christ Changed My Life (Video)
In this episode, we take a break for a bit and hear from our friend Bill Mohr about how his understanding of the second coming of Christ in 70AD to Israel in judgment changed his entire perspective not just on eschatology but how he approaches everything he does now. Check …

The Sign Of The Coming Of The Son Of Man (Video)
In our fifth episode on this subject, we’ll take a look at what the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven actually is and when it took place. We’ll look to the Scriptures for how the phrase coming in the clouds is understood and build upon the previous episode …

The Coming Of Christ: Spiritual or Physical? (Video)
In this episode, we’ll take a look at how the Bible depicts God appearing to people, how it depicts Him in his judgments and also look to what Jesus said about His coming and judgment upon Jerusalem. We’ll see that He didn’t mean that people would see Him physically, but …

To Whom & When Did Jesus Come & For What Purpose? (Video)
In this episode, we pick up where we left off in the previous show and begin to look at the specifics of Jesus’ words concerning who He was sent to and to whom He sent his disciples, along with all of the prophecies needing to be fulfilled concerning the Old …