Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»Under The Radar: US Mission To The United Nations

Under The Radar: US Mission To The United Nations

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Once again, what you are being told about America First is not actually America First. In this episode, Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor exposes the US mission to the UN. What is it and what does it mean for you?

Documents mentioned in this episode.

The US/UN education ‘attack’ announcement:

Since it’s from the State Dept. how much other political influence in education?

UN’s High Political Forum:

Meeting is in NY and while the US is not specifically mentioned, we are lock/stock/barrel into SDGs. Covid also is a part, so the question is: Is US politics already influenced by this Forum?

US businesses, as well?: see below:

The UN’s Global Compact Business Report can be accessed by scrolling down, download, then open.

These items are already in the US and with 2020 and the marxism/fascism already present, how long before the rest of the Global Compact/Corporate influence impacts politics here?

The US’s Mission to the UN is headed by
  • Ambassador Kelly Craft
  • Ambassador Cherith N. Chalet
  • President Trump
  • VP Pence
  • Sec. State Pompeo
While education (by itself) isn’t among the specific categories of the Mission, look at the search results I got. The SDGs are definitely there.:



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