Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»Trump Admin’s March Into Socialism Mayhem

Trump Admin’s March Into Socialism Mayhem

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The recent stimulus bill along with other actions by the current administration demonstrate that it is advancing socialism, not making America great again. Despite the fact that Congress passes these kinds of bills, it is the president’s job, even his duty, to reject unconstitutional legislation by veto. Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor and I discuss some of the latest rounds of socialism passed by the administration that claims the US will never be a socialist country.

My apologies for the intro a there was a little technical difficulty.

Additional articles and resources mentioned in this episode:

Marching Into Mayhem: Acts 1 & 2

Tech Thursday: Aligned Apprentices

Tech Thursday: Blast from our “Workforce” Past

Educratic Semantics: “Competence”

Uniting ‘Ageless’ Workers







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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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