Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»These Men Are Calling Out The Lies Of Mark Meckler & The Convention of States

These Men Are Calling Out The Lies Of Mark Meckler & The Convention of States

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Mark Meckler and the Convention of States are knowingly deceiving the people concerning our history, our first constitution (The Articles of Confederation), the founding fathers’ own words and an Article V convention. They are doing it to get people on board with altering the Constitution claiming it is the remedy to dealing with tyrants who won’t follow the words already written. Robert Brown and Shawn Meehan have been openly slandered and lied about by Meckler and now they are calling him out and exposing the truth about Article V and our first Constitutional Convention in 1787.

About Shawn Meehan:

Shawn honorably retired from U.S. Air Force in 2006 as a Master Sergeant and Veteran of Operation Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom.

He has been involved in his local Douglas County, Nevada, Republican Central Committee for ten years, serving on the Executive Board, and the Nevada Republican Central Committee for six years. He was also asked to serve as the Chairman of the Nevada Republican Convention Resolutions Committee in 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020.

Shawn works with several groups across the country in efforts to educate state legislators and others on the deceptive movement to change our Constitution under Article V. He helped lead the effort to write and pass Senate Joint Resolution 10 in Nevada in 2017 (with four unanimous votes) which expunged ten pending Article V petitions including one from 1901.

About Robert Brown:

Robert has served as a Coordinator and Regional Field Director for The John Birch Society, covering Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota.

However, he is best known for his lectures on the Constitution. He has produced six of his lectures as a DVD series known as, “The Constitution is the Solution”, which is gaining popularity nation-wide. After viewing just two of these lectures, a constitutional attorney from New Jersey remarked, “I studied Constitutional law under one of the most outstanding Constitutional lawyers/law professors in America, and I have learned more from the two DVD’s that I saw than I did from the professor.”

Mr. Brown and his family reside near Salt Lake City, UT. A popular constitutional speaker, he has lectured for many liberty-minded organizations throughout the country.

About Guard The Constitution:

Website: https://www.guardtheconstitution.com/ | Facebook: facebook.com/GuardTheConstitution/ | Twitter: @GuardTheConst
Mailing Address: PO Box 34, Minden, NV 89423 | Phone: (202) 930-1750
Point of Contact: Media Relations, Email: info@guardtheconstitution.com

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEGuard The Constitution Presents Debate on the Article V Convention Option in the US Constitution

MINDEN, NV – January 14, 2020 – Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 5 PM MST, in the Lincoln Auditorium of the Idaho Legislature, 700 W Jefferson St, Boise, ID, Shawn Meehan, the Founder of Guard The Constitution and Robert Brown, Constitutional Scholar, both Article V experts, will host a debate on the Article V convention option in the US Constitution.

Mark Meckler’s Convention of States has been working for years to cause a convention to amend the US Constitution to “enforce it.” His campaign of misinformation has graduated to accusing opponents of being liars. As those opponents, we felt it time for us to exercise our moral right to insist Mr. Meckler show up and defend his accusations.

Just The Facts in Two Minutes: Click the Play Button

Current efforts to amend the Constitution to enforce it misrepresent what the Founders said to do, cannot work, and are fraught with danger. The audience will learn how several COS supporters have been caught saying an Article V convention will not work.

Robert Brown said, “When Mark Meckler elevated his roadshow to amend the Constitution into slandering opponents, Shawn and I agreed, we had to directly engage.” He continued, “will Meckler show up with evidence to back his attacks, or will his absence reveal the truth?”

Mr. Brown assured us that no matter who represents the Convention of States in the debate, legislators and the public will be treated to clear documentation of what the Founders really said to do to enforce the US Constitution.

Shawn Meehan, the Founder of Guard The Constitution said, “Honest students of our Constitution know that the Founders never said to amend it to enforce it, so it is time to provide Mr. Meckler a simple way to present information in an attempt to prove his accusations.” Meehan added, “We look forward to Mr. Meckler changing his history of ducking debates after throwing accusations by showing up to support his comments.”

Guard The Constitution confirmed that our US Post Office invitations to Convention of States national and Idaho offices were delivered Jan 6th and 7th respectively. As of transmission of this release we have yet to receive a response. Should COS fail to participate, the debate will become an interactive class.

Meehan concluded by saying, “Robert tested a system which moved his congressman from a 50% to 90% constitutional voting record in six months. We look forward to seeing our fellow Americans in Boise and via the live internet stream as we show them proof of what the Founders really said about guarding the Constitution.”

Video Link to event: pending from Idaho Public Television. Will be posted when available.

Other information for further study on this important issue:

Read Guard The Constitution’s various articles about the Article V convention topic:

Read articles on Sons of Liberty Media concerning Article V:




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Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

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