Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»Providing the Data Of The Coronavirus Hoax In The UK Will Get A Doctor Suspended

Providing the Data Of The Coronavirus Hoax In The UK Will Get A Doctor Suspended

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The Sons of Liberty’s health and wellness expert, Kate Shemirani, a nurse of more than 35 years and a nutritionist was recently suspended for 18 months without anyone hearing her evidence and scientific documentation regarding coronavirus/COVID-19. However, Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Adil, a Fellow of The Royal College of Surgeons of U.K., Consultant General, Colorectal, Laparoscopic & Breast Cancer Surgeon was suspended for 12 months for calling the coronavirus a h*o*a*x. He joins me in this episode.

Here’s the information that Dr. Adil spoke about that got him suspended.

Articles mentioned in today’s episode, as well as additional information provided by Dr. Adil, including an article he recently wrote.

Koch’s Postulates, Rivers Postulates, Coronavirus & The Vaccine Development Process

Health Passports: The Next Stage In Tracking & Surveillance

Bill Gates Continues The Scam: Pushes “Immunity Passports” & Tech-Enabled Surveillance State

Bill Gates Admits That He’s Looking At A 20 To 1 Return On His $10 Billion Investment In Vaccines (Video)

Bill Gates: “You Don’t Have a Choice – Normalcy Only Returns When We Largely Vaccinate the Entire Population” (Video)

Dr. Adil’s article.

Mishandling of the recent COVID -19 pandemics in the world
Was lockdown necessary ? Could we had done better ?
A critical approach for future learning
Summary .
Government of U.K. put complete lockdown on 23 March after recommendations of the SAGE, U.K. ( Scientific advisory group of emergencies UK ) which resulted in devastating impacts on the public personal and social lives abd collapsed the economy to 14 % which is equal to 3 centuries .
Serious mishandling of the health care system deprived of millions of patients waiting for their investigations and treatment .
Two third of the elderly people in the nursing homes died due to COVID 19 related or other ongoing health issues .
Vast number of elderly patients admitted in U.K. hospitals were transferred to the nursing and elderly care homes as a result of total lockdown and expected admission of the patients due to with the COVID -19 in the hospitals as advised by the SAGE .
On March 17 , 2020
Biological mathematical model introduced by
Neil Fergusson, Imperial college London , chief scientist of the SAGE advisory committee to the U.K. government advised to the UK government that
In U.K.8 million people would be admitted into the Hispital due to COVID-19 infection and
500,000 would die if lockdown not carried out in Uk .
On his recommendation complete lockdown was implemented in U.K. on 23/03/2020 .
U.K. Government said this was “ Once in a century pandemic “ .
But It turned out to be “ once in a century evidence fiasco “ with devastating effects on the public personsl & social lives , business, education , health and health services and economy .
NHS England sent alerts ( documents) to all the Country wide Trusts and health organisation to over 1000 Trusts & Private hospitals in U.K. following
  1. To Vacate all the beds which are approximately over 125000 including private hospitals in U.K.
  2. It was also advised that Patients who were slightly stable conditions in the hospitals were discharged from the hospitals or transferred to the nursing / care homes in order to evacuate beds for the expected COVID-19 patients .
  1. 30,000 elderly patients were transferred to the nursing and care homes in the month of March 2020 and afterwards .
  2. Regular & retired Staff were called in to work in the hospitals to support the pandemic.
  3. All elective major or minor operations including cancers investigations and operations were seized off .
  4. All investigations and treatment for benign & malignant cancers were seized off
  5. All the elective outpatients clinics were seized for indefinite period
  6. All the endoscopies , scans and blood tests were cancelled or kept on hold
  7. Special precautions were issued to the health professionals and trusts to adopt the policy of conservative to non operative surgery .
  1. Parient with mild to moderate Covid-19 symptoms were advised to stay at home in isolation for two weeks .However patients with severe symptoms were advised to ring 111/999 or report to hospital for admission .
  2. Special training was given to all the staff to deal with the pandemics of the COVID-19 including
FIT test
Donning & Duffing
  1. Ventilators support and resuscitations
Special operation theatre protocols issued with minimum interaction and exposure of staff with the patient and body fluids anesthesiologist and aerosols .
  1. However , Emergency services remained open with special management protocols .
  2. Special wards arrangements were made for the suspected and confirmed COVID-19 patients .
  3. Special instructions for issuing the death certificates and release of dead bodies .
Surprisingly the rate of admission was not dramatically as large as expected and advised by the SAGE group of scientists in U.K. resulting 60-70 beds in all hospitals and trusts lying vacant which resulted a serious waste of resources and time .
At least half of the regular staff in hospitals went on sick leave due to health issues and position was filled by the “ Locum Workers “on higher rates .
Patients are relatives were advised to stay home .
Popular Slogan
Stay Home. Protect NHS. Save lives
With clapping for the NHS staff on every Thursday.
But unfortunately this did not help those patients who were deprived of their investigations and treatment while staying at home .
This has been detrimental to the millions of sick and unwell patients waiting for their investigations and treatments which was kept on hold during the period of the lockdown .
According to the NHS figures the waiting list of patients waiting for their investigations and treatments in January 2020 was 2.7 million patients and out of that 780,000 patients were on 18/52 wait rule in U.K. .
Due to lockdown and restriction on public figures of patients waiting for their investigations and treatment is 5 millions in U.K. and NHS would require 5 years to clear the lot with the good infra structure .
Effects of the lockdown
Most of the deaths were due to the total lockdown , isolation , fear and depression rather than corona virus infection itself . Many people died at their
Nursing homes due to insufficient health facilities available
Loss of Employments , jobs
Mental health
Business collapsed
Small, medium and large industries collapsed
Social & domestic issues
Psychological , domestic violence, abuse , loneliness , isolation , anxiety , depression , travelling , livelihood .
Suicides , deaths and misery
Uncertainty, fear , starvation
1.1 billion starvation , poverty
2/3 of the elderly died in nursing homes around the world
1.8 billion students in the world lost their education. , damaging to their health and wellbeing.
The effects were more devastating in the third world and underprivileged countries which were already below the poverty line and under the debts of the World Bank & IMF .
Infection Rate / Death Rate
Regarding the infection fatality rate, remarkably, Dr John Ioannidis says for people younger than age 45, the infection fatality rate is ZERO !!! And, for people age 45 to 70, the infection fatality rate is probably about 0.05-0.3%, historically similar to other seasonal respiratory viruses.
However, fatality rate for frail nursing home patients may be as high as 25%.
Test positive / negative people
RT-PCR , blood tests , CT scan
False impression of test positive who are actually not infected unless they get serious symptoms which requires isolation to admission depending on their symptoms
. RT-PCR has 60-80% of false positive and 40-50 % false negative . It means false positive may not be true positive and false negative may not be true negatives.
Effects of lockdown
I feel extremely sad that my predictions were verified. “Major consequences on the economy, society and mental health” have already occurred. I hope they are reversible, and this depends to a large extent on whether we can avoid prolonging the draconian lockdowns and manage to deal with COVID-19 in a smart, precision-risk targeted approach, rather than blindly shutting down everything.
Similarly, we have already started to see the consequences of “financial crisis, unrest, and civil strife.” I hope it is not followed by “war and meltdown of the social fabric.”
Effects of the Lockdown
Dr John Ioannidis , Epidemiologist from Stanford University said ,
“Globally, the lockdown measures have increased the number of people at risk of starvation to 1.1 billion, and they are putting at risk millions of lives, with the potential resurgence of tuberculosis, childhood diseases …, and malaria. I hope that policymakers look at the big picture of all the potential problems and not only on the very important, but relatively thin slice of evidence that is COVID-19.”
The evidence suggests that countries who have not done lockdown and cease their economy and education have done better than the countries who have put the lockdown and far reaching restrictions on the public .
Recently Mr Vallance in his interview to the mainstream media and “independent News Uk “ on the exaggerated corona virus deaths in U.K. by Public Health England ( PHE) .
“ UK corona virus outcome has not been good He added , “ Clearly it’s a learning point and we get cooperation from our International partners as Chris Witty did” .
He further said , “ Its very difficult to say where we stand at the moment but it’s clear that the outcome has not been good in Uk .
In fact Uk has done less well than than others “ .
Matt Hancock , the health secretary has ordered an urgent review with how the Corona virus daily deaths were counted by the PHE which prompted the Corona Virus death figures in U.K. if the people die of any other cause .
Polarisation of the Society
We now live in a polarized society of two types of people. On one hand we have people obediently watching the nightly news who believe what they hear and see on the television. These people are fearful of viruses and want government protection with “security measures” that coincidentally abolish constitutional rights and liberties.
For example, the right to work and make a living, and the right to assemble in a house of worship are among many that have been abolished. These “fearful” people are not concerned about the economic consequences of 40 million people collecting unemployment payments. Or the soon to be millions living out of cardboard boxes on the sidewalk because they can not pay their rent.
5 millions are unemployed in U.K. and 40 millions in USA , much more in poor and underprivileged countries .
On the other hand, there are people who are not fearful, and who do not watch the nightly news. These people do not want government protection from a virus with the far reaching effects on their personsl , family and employment lives .
These people want the government to stop interfering in their right to work and make a living to support their families. They want to have their constitutional rights and liberties restored.
USA , Europe, UK, other countries
There is awakening call for the civil liberty , freedom and restoration of public fundamental rights in various protests .
Yesterday 1.3 million people marched across Berlin , Germany .
Protests in USA and UK are exemplary for the public desperation in the last 4 months lockdowns and its effects .
Mortality figures in USA
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there were 2,813,503 registered deaths in the United States in 2017. The age-adjusted death rate, which accounts for the aging population, is 731.9 deaths per 100,000 people in the U.S. This is an increase of 0.4% over 2016’s death rate. 4 Jul 2019
  1. Heart Attack
  2. Deaths due to Heart attacks in 2017: 647,457
  3. Percentage of total deaths: 23.5%

2. Cancer

  • Deaths in 2017: 599,108
  • Percentage of total deaths: 21.3%

3. Unintentional injuries

  • Deaths in 2017: 169,936
  • Percentage of total deaths: 6%

4. Chronic lower respiratory disease

  • Deaths in 2017: 160,201
  • Percentage of total deaths: 5.7%
  • Strokes
  • Deaths in 2017: 146,383
  • Percentage of total deaths: 5.2%

6. Alzheimer’s disease

  • Deaths in 2017: 121,404
  • Percentage of total deaths: 4.3%

7. Diabetes

  • Deaths in 2017: 83,564
  • Percentage of total deaths: 3%

8. Influenza and pneumonia

  • Deaths in 2017: 55,672
  • Percentage of total deaths: 2%
The similar figures did the leading cause of death exists in U.K.
Health services have been treating only Corona Virus ( COVID-19 ) and nothing else which caused the neglect of the patients other than corona virus for their investigations and treatment . That why I think the recent pandemic has not been addressed properly .
There has not been any round table discussion among the scientists , epidemiologists, infectious disease experts , physicians and surgeon across the respective countries and the world to handle the health crisis promptly , efficiently and competently across the world resulting in devastating health and economical crisis.
Negative Impact .
Few health professionals including myself blew the whistle regarding the health crisis , crippling economy , social and domestic issues , mental health issues , they have been silenced , censored , suspended and penalised .
I was suspended for a period of 12 months by the GMC on 01 June 2020 for supporting the cause of the humanity . I had no intention to play down the virus or politicise it . I merely felt obliged to contribute in the recent overall crisis in a positive way by collecting data and the facts into perspectives for the mankind which wasn’t appreciated by the General medical council .
Similarly many health professionals have been silenced and lost their jobs in the given scenario.
Recently Web hosting platform Squarespace has shut down the website of America’s Frontline Doctors – a group of doctors who have come together to address what they describe as “a massive disinformation campaign regarding COVID-19 .
Soon after that Facebook , Twitter , Youtube and other social media also took down their viral video claiming misinformation.
The press conference went viral on social media, accumulated tens of millions of views within the first eight hours of it going live .
Role of the Health Professionals .
Treatment options for COVID-19 should have been debated and spoken about among the medical colleagues and experts . Its non of the business of the politicians , leaders or mainstream media to propagate misinformation about a health issues and treatment without consulting with the medical experts across the country.
Stay home – Protect NHS – Steve lives
They have saved NHS but public has suffered due to health crisis , insufficient medical treatment and fear .
The medical professionals have been working selflessly for the best interest of the patients therefore, they should never be censored , shut , suspended and silenced .
Diversity of thoughts , experience and skills reflects better outcome in all fields of medical sciences and plays a key role in innovation and advancement which should always be welcomed .
It’s horrendous to shut down a door of wisdom and opinion by the experienced medical professionals across the world working for the good cause for the humanity selflessly .
Lack of leadership in the world . People are confused , depressed , anxious , uncertain .
Public need direction , guidance and sincere encouragement and support .
Its not the jurisdiction of the politicians , leaders or mainstream media to impose the treatment plans on a health issues without taking an account of the diversity of approach by the experts health professionals and peer reviews .
Scientific Congress and Guidelines
In fact governments and world leaders across the world should have had a round table debate and discussion with the experienced health professionals to find the best possible way of treatment , guidelines and SOP,s for the public health issues .
Vaccination .
Fauci and Bill Gate plans for vaccinating 7.6 Billion people across the world is ludicrous and immoral . It’s nothing more than generating money by the biggest pharmaceutical joints for making profits .
People who are opposing vaccine have some logic and they are not NUTS . Previous experience reveals untoward side effects of vaccination resulting in deaths , paralysis , infertility , autism , dementia , Alzheimer’s disease , MS , Parkinson’s disease etc .
The number of children suffering from Autism abd ADHD has increased from
In 1974 one in 5000
In 1990 one in 500
In 2000 one in 166
In 2011 one in 80
In 2013 one in 70
In 2018 one in 68
In 2019 one in 55
In 2020, the CDC reported that approximately 1 in 50 children in the U.S. is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Boys are four times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than girls.
The incidence has gone sharply higher since the last decade of vaccine ( from 2011-2020) .
This means that over 695,000 people in the UK only may be autistic, an estimate derived from the 1.1% prevalence rate applied to the 2011 UK census figures.
Therefore , pharmaceutical companies who are promoting vaccinating the entire world population should clarify the contents and the gradients used in vaccines which is a serious cause for concerns.
How dare are they trying to convince the world population with the orchestrated campaign in promoting vaccine as a treatment in the given health issues ?
They are advising that lockdown, face masking and social distancing are mandatory till vaccine comes in the market and is injected into all the people in the world as a cure ?
People of the world know very well that Vaccine is not a treatment but has been used as a prophylaxis for some common diseases in the past . If there has not been any vaccine for Spanish Flue virus in 1918
SARS1 in 2003
HIV in 1984
HINI in 2009
MERS in 2013
There won’t be any vaccine for the SARS2 as virus has mutated significantly with different strains in different parts of the world therefore there won’t be any particular vaccine useful for everywhere . It may be rather proved to be harmful as per figures above .
Face masking .
There is evidence that face masks are not good for everyone . Face masks are more harmful than benefits to health , as face mask block oxygen and generate Co2 which we rebreathing causes hypoxia , hyperaemia , confusion , headaches and delirium due to rebreathing and accumulation of Co2 .
Face masks also produce cortisone and reduces body’s immunity .
Face masks are only helpful while someone is coughing or have severe chest infection to protect others . They are also useful during surgical or medical procedures by the health professionals to protect patients .
Social distancing.
Is social segregation and loss of intimate contact but also reduces our immunity .
Ventilators & ECMO ( extra corporeal membranous oxygenation machines ) .
Also controversial in treating patients . They are doing more harm than benefits as multiple studies have proved.
Only 4-5 % patients with the COVID -19 require ITU admission and ventilations . Trend is towards non invasive positive pressure ventilation rather than invasive procedures.
Our Moral Duty .
I believe on equality , justice , mutual respect , equal opportunity regardless of colour , race , religion , language , individuality. Nobody should be discriminated on the basis of rich or poor with abundant or limited resources.
Many people are underprivileged and in disadvantaged but we need to support them in their difficult time.
Ethnic minority / ethnic majority . I would not have been here had I considered that.
We should be standing on the basis of the humanity without any monetary or political gain.
We are here neither to play down the virus nor any political gain but we are here to look into the far reaching effects of the virus and lockdown causing serious atrocities across the world .
We need to reassure public in UK and across the world to reassure , support their health , employments to reduce poverty , recommence business and trade to boast the crippling economy and students to get back to their school to resume their education .
We all are born equal from Adam , all are brothers and sisters . We have to protect everyone.
Online education, online shopping , online medical treatment, online business , online congresses and online meetings , on line college and universities? If that’s the future then how are we going to develop strong leadership ? How our new generation would gain confidence to stand against the growing challenges of the world ? .
I believe on equality , unity , love , mutual respect , peace and tranquility without discrimination of borders , areas , colour , groups , cast , money, race , religion , individuality and boundaries as every life matters .
Mishandling of the recent COVID -19 pandemics in the world resulted in serious health ,economical crisis , social and mental issues due to the lockdown .
A critical approach for future learning is necessary to learn a good lesson .
Our country is teetering on a precipice. Are we sheep to be ruled by fear ? The lockdown should be released in stages in a sensible way to let the crippling economy boast up .The business and employment to be encouraged . Waiting lists in hospitals be looked into to investigate and treat patients to clear the backlog . Children and students should go back to school , colleges and universities to resume their education.
It’s the duty of the world leaders , governments, politicians and the health professionals to get public out of overwhelming fear , anxiety and depression in the given circumstances.
I appreciate brave men and women abd the health professionals standing up for their freedom , liberty and fundamental across the world . If we are worried about the mortality rate from a virus, just think about this and compare with the above figures which reflects the mortality rate every year .
Dr Mohammad Iqbal Adil
General , Colorectal , Breast & Laparoscopic Surgeon
United Kingdom
Global Nishtarian Medical Organisation ( GNO)
All Pakistan Medical Association UK ( APMA)
World Doctors Alliance ( WDA)
International award winning speakers
Teacher & trainer
Web. Globalnishtarian. Org
1)Medically reviewed by Vincent J. Tavella, MPH by Hannah Nichols on July 4, 2019
2)A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data. By John P.A. Ioannidis March 17, 2020 once-in-a-century evidence fiasco.
3)Up to 300 Million People May Be Infected by Covid-19, Stanford Guru John Ioannidis Says. By Patricia Claus – Jun 27, 2020
Dr. Ioannidis: 0.05% to 1% is a reasonable range for what the data tell us now for the infection fatality rate, with a median of about 0.25%. The death rate in a given country depends a lot on the age-structure, who are the people infected, and how they are managed. For people younger than 45, the infection fatality rate is almost 0%. For 45 to 70, it is probably about 0.05-0.3%. For those above 70, it escalates substantially, to 1% or higher for those over 85. For frail, debilitated elderly people with multiple health problems who are infected in nursing homes, it can go up to 25% during major outbreaks in these facilities.
Dr. Ioannidis: I feel extremely sad that my predictions were verified. “Major consequences on the economy, society and mental health” have already occurred. I hope they are reversible, and this depends to a large extent on whether we can avoid prolonging the draconian lockdowns and manage to deal with COVID-19 in a smart, precision-risk targeted approach, rather than blindly shutting down everything. Similarly, we have already started to see the consequences of “financial crisis, unrest, and civil strife.” I hope it is not followed by “war and meltdown of the social fabric.”
Globally, the lockdown measures have increased the number of people at risk of starvation to 1.1 billion, and they are putting at risk millions of lives, with the potential resurgence of tuberculosis, childhood diseases like measles where vaccination programs are disrupted, and malaria. I hope that policymakers look at the big picture of all the potential problems and not only on the very important, but relatively thin slice of evidence that is COVID-19.
4)Stanford’s John P.A. Ioannidis — co-director of the university’s Meta-Research Innovation Center and professor of medicine
response to the coronavirus pandemic may be “a fiasco in the making” because we are making seismic decisions based on “utterly unreliable” data. The data we do have, Ioannidis explains, indicates that we are likely severely overreacting.
“The current coronavirus disease, Covid-19, has been called a once-in-a-century pandemic. But it may also be a once-in-a-century evidence fiasco,”
5)Ioannidis, John. “The infection fatality rate of COVID-19 inferred from seroprevalence data.” medRxiv (2020).




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