Setting Brushfires 10-01-2019: Intelligence Analyst Brian Boyd Provides Insight Into The Ukraine Fiasco & Impeachment
Brian Boyd is a 30-year-plus professional intelligence analyst and counter terrorism specialist. He is a former Green Beret and was part of the leadership of the Joint Special Operations Command which oversees the Special Forces, SEAL Team Six and the Delta Force. He has also served in the Departments of …

Setting Brushfires 09-30-2019: Is The Child Trafficking & Child Porn Kabal Being Taken Down By The Trump Administration?
In this episode, I discuss whether or not the criminal child trafficking & child porn kabal is actually being taken down by the Trump administration. Decide for yourself. Articles mentioned in this episode: President Trump Declares January 2018 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month Pennsylvania: Senator Behind Child …

Setting Brushfires 09-27-2019: While Your Eyes Are On Trump – Muslims Are Seeking Offices Across The US
As President Donald Trump makes his re-election bid in the face of a dog and pony show impeachment inquiry, 18 years after 9/11, Muslims are showing their teeth and running in scores for political office across the united States. We’ll take a look at what is going on and why …

Setting Brushfires 09-26-2019: Impeachment Inquiry Of President Trump – Another Wasteful Spending Coup Attempt
Once again, Democrats are only pushing a political agenda and that is to undo the 2016 election with absolutely no evidence at hand. It’s going to cost taxpayers millions of dollars more and in the end, they will only use this strategy as an attempt to get Trump out of …

Setting Brushfires 09-25-2019: Congress’ Intention To Turn You & Your Children Into Another Brick In The Wall
Rotten to the Core Wednesday on Setting Brushfires radio. Today, the Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor will be walking us through Congress’ intent to enslave us and children via legislation, creating the illusion of learning, but molding us into just another brick in the wall. Articles and documentation mentioned in …

Setting Brushfires 09-24-2019: Vaccines & Mandates: What You Are Not Being Told
As government continues to speak about things we’ve not authorized them to be dealing with, namely mandatory vaccinations, a brief report has come out by Families 4 Vaccine Choice that illuminated us as to what is in vaccines and RNA. If you have a weak stomach, brace yourself. Articles …

Setting Brushfires 09-23-2019: The Democrat Presidential Candidate Who Loves Trump, The 2nd Amendment & Is Pro-Life
I’ll bet you are thinking the title is a joke, but my guest is not joking. Lee Newton Rhodes is a Democrat who is running for the White House in 2020. He labels himself a “Bluedog Democrat” and is very conservative. He loves Donald Trump, is pro-Second Amendment, is pro-life …

Setting Brushfires 09-20-2019: When It Comes To Gun Confiscation Laws, None Of Them Can Make A Moral People
There are many people in America and around the world that believe that restricting, regulating and confiscating people’s property, namely guns, will somehow make society safe and the people moral and not commit crimes, but is that true? We’ll explore that in this episode. Articles, videos and Bible verses cited …

Setting Brushfires 09-19-2019: Lee County Florida Corruption & Crimes Finally Go National
I was informed this story was coming down over a month ago. However, I have been reporting on it for months and it’s good to see that The Guardian is now reporting on the unethical and criminal behavior of then-Governor Rick Scott-appointed Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno. On Wednesday, The …

Setting Brushfires 09-18-2019: How Educrats Are Disguising Communist-Style Workforce Education As “Quality Learning”
The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor is back on this Rotten to the Core Wednesday episode to continue her series through the month of September exposing how the federal government continues to usurp the Constitution to make good little Commies out of us all with their workforce education, cleverly disguised …