Don’t think it could happen to you? It’s happening to many families across the country. They are being targeted by Child Protective Services simply because they are Christians and they seek to input into their children Christian principles based on the teachings of the Bible. Patricia Henley joins me in …
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No, it’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s a real conspiracy. As the Second Amendment comes under attack, the United Nations is actually hiring for new positions and among those positions are English-speaking disarmament, demobilization and reintegration officers. Why are they doing this, and why are we continuing to be a …
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God commanded that parents, not the state, educate and train up their children as they are a reward from Him. Our founders and early Americans used to follow these commands with Bible reading in the home and their conduct becoming what they had read. God truly blessed us as a …
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A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. – Second Amendment of the US Constitution From the church in Texas where a fatal shooting took place before good guys with guns …
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FBI / Fusion Centers, created after 911 to “fuse” Federal and Local Law Enforcement information to protect America from “Terrorists,” INSTEAD have been creating hundreds of thousands of FALSE DOSSIERS on perfectly INNOCENT AMERICANS (Targeted Individuals) to JUSTIFY secretly bloating the fraud Terrorist Watchlist, for a fabricated enemy to rally …
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Will the World Really End Unless We Spend Billions on Climate Change Policy? The people around us are somehow convinced that the world is about to end unless we stop using fossil fuels. There is no scientific evidence to support this. Jim Hollingsworth has written an easy to understand book that …
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And people wonder why the Protestant Reformation occurred and the Reformers referred to the Pope as antichrist (Vicarius Christi). Pope Francis, who is known for his totally anti-biblical worldview, continues to lead millions astray and the latest comment to a group of high school students in Rome is just another …
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America is on the edge and tensions are rising. Impeachment, Russian collusion, red-flag laws, gun control, illegal immigration, constant accusations of racism, transgenderism and finally, the rising debt are all lending to the perfect storm where absolute chaos will enable the globalists to enact the control they have been pursuing …
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It was prophesied from the beginning that there would come a deliverer, a savior of men. Throughout history, God provided signposts that marked what this savior would be like and how we could identify Him. He showed us what the savior would do through types and antitypes in history. Finally, …
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Has President Donald Trump actually been impeached? Is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi guilty of obstruction of justice? Will the Bidens answer for their crimes? Are the American people even aware of the unconstitutional legislation and treaties that are being authorized right under their noses while being shrouded in the WWE …
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