Hidden In Not So Plain Sight: How The Global Agenda Is Popping Up In Your Town
No, this isn’t a federal bill in the making, my friends. It’s a local to my town Plan which seeks to cover all kinds of topics for my town, including increasing public-private partnerships to PURPOSEFULLY align ALL levels of local education to WORKFORCE/BUSINESS. That’s right, fascism, plain and simple. in my town and in yours. Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in this episode to discuss the advancing global-to-federal-to-state-to-your-town system, and what must be done to stop it.
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Resources mentioned in this episode.
Teens Stand Up: “I Will Not Wear The Mask… I Will Not Take The Vaccine… I Will Resist Evil… I Will Submit To God… I Will Defy Tyrants!” (Video)
The End of Work
Resources to show the audience and for archives:
1) The Accelerate Mooresville 2030 Plan: https://www.mooresvillenc.gov/
1a) The ICEDC’s website. We’ll use this to get to their PDF so all can see the link to ACT, Inc.
(WorkKeys Assessment): https://www.iredelledc.com/
1b) The KS based YouTube about WorkKeys): https://www.youtube.com/watch?
1c) The Mooresville base of BIG DATA and a participant named in the PDF: https://www.commoncorediva.
2) The workforce shift in NC began about 1999, before CCSS entered the picture 100%, Other States were either before then or after, but ALL were when CCSS/CCR was rolled out: https://www.commoncorediva.
3) The Accelerated Plan won’t be pulled off without SAP (Student Achievement Partners) which are used in ALL education choices/ages: https://www.commoncorediva.
4) We’ll use this oldie for the 10 Agenda points to see how many are in the 2020 Accelerated Plan: https://www.commoncorediva.
The Digital push in education calls people ‘human capacity’ (from 2016).
Also from 2015, the gold/silver/bronze classifications WorkKeys uses (as seen in the KS video).
The International/Universal Credentialing we’ve seen (or maybe not seen) in our communities, uses the Six Sigma system. Rather than Olympic style levels of achievement, this system uses colored belts (like you see in karate classes).
This ICE (Inst. for Credentialing Excellence) is also one to watch for.
ACT Inc.’s OTHER skill based credentialing exams were revealed in this article.
Lastly, back in 2015, I shared one of Anita Hoge’s interviews where not only all of the above was discussed, but how all of this ties to your property taxes. Even now, 6 years later, this information (as well as the action steps included) is VITAL!
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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media