I Hunt Pedophiles To Bring Them To Justice – Now I’m The One Targeted
Pedophilia is growing in our day and we are hearing about it more and more. In fact, we are hearing about it so much that there are actual media outlets and organizations attempting to claim it is normal, which ties right into the 45 goals of the Communists to take over America. Lee Garrett is from the UK and has been working for years to find and expose pedophiles and bring them to justice. Now, he is being targeted by police, had his life threatened and threats to take his children. He joins me to tell what he’s doing and how he has now become a target for daring to act.
Lee Garrett was an independent candidate in Blaydon in the UK Parliament elections. He’s a husband, a father, and a clear example of what it means to take information and put it into action for the betterment of his community and his posterity.
Check out Lee’s website here.
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Articles on Lee’s work.
Guardians of the North & Predator Exposure Documentary
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