Had Congress & SCOTUS Viewed This Video, They Could Have Saved Millions Of People!
In 1984, a film so terrifying was sent to those in DC that were our representatives, our Supreme Court Justices and our President. This film showed the murder of an unborn baby at the hands of a paid hitman, an abortion doctor. At the time, President Reagan said that if the people who received the video watched it, that the tragedy of abortion would have ended there. Sadly, many loved money over life and either didn’t watch it or had already seared their consciences. I’ll show this video in its entirety in this episode.
Additionally, Eric Hughes-Jones joined us at the beginning of the episode in order to fill us in on how we can aid Felicia Helene Mullane, who operates a home that cares for seniors that is being shut down by the State of New York. Here’s the relevant information should you decide to make your presence known on Thursday on her behalf (See the PDF below for additional information).
Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 9:30am
Call 1-518-549-0500
Meeting number (access code): 161 873 4386
Meeting password: Bq4jjStfD47
Join from the meeting link
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Articles, links, videos and bonus videos mentioned in this episode.
Mullane Felicia-Helene (121790)-Wyom-FTHA-Initial Conf Scheduled for 4-13-23 (MD 3-9-23) (1) by Tim Brown on Scribd
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Billboard Chris: Children Should Be Free… Stand Against The Trans-Delusion!
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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media