Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»Government Creates The New ABC’s To Indoctrinate Children Into Communist Revolutionaries

Government Creates The New ABC’s To Indoctrinate Children Into Communist Revolutionaries

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When government unlawfully usurps the role of the parents and oversees education, they are tyrannical. Thus, when they do this, they inevitably indoctrinate, not educate. The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me, along with special guest Natalie Cline to discuss HR487 and to show you the new ABCs lining school walls teaching kids to be good little commies.

Articles and videos in this episode courtesy of Lynne.

The Rise and Fall of The Confederate Government

Anything by Thomas DiLorenzo

Christ in the Camp

On Secular Education




“political, atheistic, sectarian, religious, or denominational doctrine may not be taught in the public schools except as provided in Section 53G-10-202″ (Utah Code § 53G-10-402).

The Utah Legislature envisions an educated citizenry that “encompasses foundational principles including strong moral and social values, and loyalty and commitment to constitutional government” (Utah Code § 53E-2-301).

In accordance with the parameters stated in Utah law, none of the below topics are to be addressed in the curriculum of children in the state of Utah without written parental consent (Utah Code § 53E-9-203). • “political philosophies;… • sexual behavior, orientation, or attitudes; • illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior; • critical appraisals of individuals with whom the student or family member has close family relationships; • religious affiliations or beliefs;…” Educators are required to “comply with all federal, state, and local laws” (R277-217-3) which includes the following prohibited conduct (R277-217-2-23) “exclude a student from participating in any program, deny or grant any benefit to a student, or encourage a student to develop a prejudice on the basis of: (a) race; (b) color; (c) creed; (d) sex; (e) national origin; (f) marital status; (g) political or religious belief; (h) physical or mental condition; (i) family, social, or cultural background; (j) sexual orientation; or (k) gender identification;” LEA’s are required to report violations to the UPPAC (R277-217-5)

Educratics Reforming? Part Two

Educratics Reforming?! Part One

 this article of mine from 2019 where the Suess Enterprises was mentioned: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2019/01/03/health-and-wealth-2019/, which segways into VA banned Dr. Suess books due to perceived recent racism: https://deadline.com/2021/02/dr-seuss-canceled-by-virginia-school-system-for-read-across-america-day-1234702845/
Articles by a fellow NC blogger on the SLPC (Southern Poverty Law Center) and its new name, as well as the social justice activity: https://ladyliberty1885.com/tag/southern-poverty-law-center/
Here’s the UT research paper from a few years ago highlighting the need to add social justice’s type of racism in schools: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/276462902_Critical_Race_Theory_in_Education_A_Review_of_Past_Literature_and_a_Look_to_the_Future

From SC, the first attached image is from a Middle School near Greenville in Horry County. https://www.horrycountyschools.net/domain/2891

From SD, the second image for their district wide inclusion week colors. Link to the Rapid City Area Schools website where the same information can be found: http://west.rcas.org/announcements/

The SD Title 6 (Indian Education) funds paying for all the ‘diversity and inclusion’: https://rcas.org/diversity-equity-outreach/

One of the ways the SDGs (especially #1 (No Poverty) is using social justice to reshape America. From my 2019 article: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2019/02/25/shake-that-global-stick/

The HR 487 Bill link: https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr487/BILLS-117hr487ih.pdf

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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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