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Setting Brushfires Radio Show
Setting Brushfires 05-31-2019: When You’re Sick, You’re Out Of The Fight!
Building a medically wholistic Christian worldview is indispensable, in today’s fractionated world. Bringing health and healing to the whole man is a part of Christ’s Great Commission. When you affect health and healing in a person’s life you will naturally and supernaturally gain an audience with those who need the gospel.
Setting Brushfires 05-30-2019: Voter Fraud & What Can Be Done About It with David DiCrescenzo
Voter fraud. It is a reality in every election and it continues to overturn the will of the people in several states, and was incredibly apparent in several key states in 2018.
Setting Brushfires 05-29-2019: Michael Avenatti & Stormy Daniels Have Nothing On Gloria Allred & Florida Attorneys
The story of Deanna Williams is a long, painful trail of a woman whose life was turned upside down when she was raped by a Major League Baseball player in 2009. The corruption that ensued in that case, then the corruption of attorneys, including Gloria Allred and a man by the name of Scott Mager of Mager Paruas, who purchased the rights to sue her, along with the corruption of other attorneys she hired and judges who brought injustice against her is something you couldn’t even fathom to write.
Setting Brushfires 05-28-2019: Iran, Venezuela: Should The US Be Putting Its Nose In These Countries?
As the war drums beat from the neo-cons for war with Iran and Venezuela, it’s time to revisit the Constitution and question the motives of those pushing the agenda. Articles I referenced in this video can be found below. Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body with …
Setting Brushfires 05-27-2019: Another Anti-Gun Nominee, This Time For The ATF?
Is America being deceived and is full blown gun confiscation just right around the corner?
Setting Brushfires 05-24-2019: When God Wants To Judge A Nation, He Gives Them Wicked Rulers
My pastor, Michael Ware of Holly Ridge Presbyterian Church in Blacksburg ( ), SC, joins me to talk about whether or not God still judges nations today, what the biblical basis for that is and provides examples in history and points to the judgments America is facing today (Deuteronomy 28; Leviticus 26) as a result of our rebellion against the Creator.
Setting Brushfires 05-23-2019: CommonCoreDiva Breaks Down Fed’s Unconstitutional Education Agenda
The Common Core Diva, Lynne Taylor, joins us on this episode of Setting Brushfires to point out how the agenda marches forward no matter who is in the White House.
Setting Brushfires 05-22-2019: Gun Politics & The Difference Between Liberty & Freedom
Alex Horseman from joins me to discuss the current red flag gun laws and attacks on the Second Amendment, as well as what it protects. We also talk about the difference between freedom and liberty. Freedom is the internal side of the person while liberty is the external actions …
Setting Brushfires 05-21-2019: “Black Vests” Takeover Paris Airport, Attorney Creates 6 Figure Job For Himself Against Rape Victim
On Sunday, hundreds of undocumented migrants took control of Terminal 2 of the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris France. Approximately 500 migrants seized the terminal. Additionally, I have written about the story of Deanna Williams, a Florida woman who was the victim of rape back in 2009. As things transpired, not …
Setting Brushfires 05-20-2019 Immigration: Shelter, Food, Clothing All On Your Dime
On today’s show, I’m covering a few items that are continuing to take place under the Trump administration. Mainly we’ll be looking at the transportation, shelter, food, clothing and hygiene provided by the American people to immigrants while they wait for their asylum to be processed. My apologies for the …