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Setting Brushfires Radio Show

From Leicester & Smallpox To The World & COVID With Kate Shemirani
Find out the history of vaccines in the English town of Leicester and how smallpox was dealt with. Then learn from that as to what is being sold to the world in the form of vaccines and the scamdemic we know as COVID-19. The Sons of Liberty’s health and wellness …

Applying The Law To The Corrupt To Bring About Justice By Using The Bible & The Constitution
It’s a first of its kind on The Sons of Liberty, but we’re gonna do it! I say daily on The Sons of Liberty Radio morning show that “we’re not doing Chinese Buffet” to remind callers that we have a topic we’re covering and to stick to that. On Friday, …

Militia “Captain Karl”: The People Are The Constitution’s Law Enforcers
Ever wondered if there are real constitutional militia members today? Well, wonder no more. Captain Karl Koenigs joins me in this episode to speak of his experience in the constitutional militia and how they have been used to curb federal tyranny. He’ll also explain how that experience continued to propel …

The Trump Administration & The UN’s Geneva Consensus Declaration: A Marriage Made In Hell
The Trump administration recently signed the United Nations’ Geneva Consensus Declaration. Some have declared it to be pro-life and that it is a step in the right direction, but is that true? How does the USMCA apply here? What about overreaches into health care? What are some of the other …

America’s Problems Will Not Be Corrected Merely By A Vote Because They Are Not Political
“Culture is religion externalized.” – RJ Rushdoony It’s Election Day 2020 and people will go to the polls believing they will somehow fix the oligarchy that has been put in place for decades with a vote for and R or a D. They believe those who engage in fascism, communism …

Constitutional Sheriffs: What They Are & How to Find Or Make Them With Sheriff Richard Mack
In today’s America, many don’t even read the US Constitution or The Declaration of Independence or their Bibles, much less understand and seek to apply it. Sheriff Richard Mack of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association has come a long way since the day he chose to run for …

Lockdown Rising: UK COVID Cases, Tests & Propaganda With Kate Shemirani & Dr. Kevin Corbett
As the propaganda and mind control of the media, combined with the lies of the government once again begin to ramp up around the world and specifically in the UK, The Sons of Liberty’s health and wellness expert Kate Shemirani and Dr. Kevin Corbett join me to discuss what is …

An Actual Constitutionalist Running For US Senate Against Republicans & Democrats
Ever wonder why you don’t hear about those with a different message than the same old R & D? It’s because, for the most part, people have succumbed to the spirit our forefathers warned us about when it comes to a two-party system. Joining me in this episode is Kevin …

Major Second Amendment Wins In Michigan & Washington – Guns Welcome At Polls
In two major victories for the rights of the people to keep and bear arms, both Michigan and Washington state have protected individual liberty. In Washington, the court found the state’s compulsory “firearm surrender” laws violated the Fourth and Fifth Amendments and the analogous provisions in the state constitution. In …

The New World Order Cometh: Trump, The UN, Samaritan’s Purse, Vatican & More
Globalism is the New World Order and many involved have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof (2 Timothy 3:5). Many are deceived and deceiving. In a follow up to last week’s episode on Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse’s ties to the UN’s SDGs, we’re now seeing his ties …