Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»Remembering Charlotte Iserbyt: The Woman Who Exposed Skull & Bones & Soviet Indoctrination In The US (Video)

Remembering Charlotte Iserbyt: The Woman Who Exposed Skull & Bones & Soviet Indoctrination In The US (Video)

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On February 8, 2022, Charlotte Iserbyt went to her reward. She was a fascinating woman who not only exposed the soviet plan under President Ronald Reagan to indoctrinate the children of the united States but was the first to produce the list of Skull & Bones that included prominent people in government. The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me for this episode of Rotten to the Core Wednesday on The Sons of Liberty to give tribute for what Charlotte exposed to the world.

Articles, links and videos mentioned in this episode with additional resources provided by Lynne.

Teens Stand Up: “I Will Not Wear The Mask… I Will Not Take The Vaccine… I Will Resist Evil… I Will Submit To God… I Will Defy Tyrants!” (Video)

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Preshow music by LEAH

Charlotte’s website: http://deliberatedumbingdown.com/ddd/

Her “Patriot Honor Roll”: http://deliberatedumbingdown.com/ddd/about/patriot-honor-roll/


All the articles I’ve written featuring Charlotte: https://www.commoncorediva.com/?s=Charlotte+Iserbyt&submit=Search

Among my favorites:

Our interview with Charlotte: https://settingbrushfires.com/charlotte-iserbyt-the-deliberate-dumbing-down-of-america/

Follow that with this interview, from CT, which was published on 2/8/22: https://www.onenewspage.com/video/20220208/14302380/Charlotte-Iserbyt-on-Education-Common-Core-amp-Solutions.htm

I will be reading an excerpt of her foreword she wrote for John (jakE) in his “School World Order”.

His website: https://www.schoolworldorder.info/

*Note: John/jakE is preserving Charlotte’s vast amount of resources, per her wishes: https://www.schoolworldorder.info/blog

Charlotte and jakE’s interview with Patrick Wood: https://rumble.com/vkvoo7-dan-happels-connecting-the-dots.html

Charlotte was a favorite guest of Jeff Rense’s Show:

Here’s a link to my interview with Jeff. We mentioned Charlotte.
She, in turn listened, loved it & emailed several that I was ‘spot on’.

Lastly, Charlotte’s final words to me in a personal email:
“Congratulations for irritating them so they can’t resist reacting.”
“Keep driving them nuts with the truth. Pray at all times”.

As a personal note, the words which will always humble me are the ones she used to describe me as a storm bigger than the Pacific and Atlantic. Jeff’s reference to Charlotte referring to me as a wizard (smart, not evil) will also be among the things I cherish from Charlotte.

Bonus video: https://youtu.be/shg-fpYkhlU

Some of her comments are still relevant. (Side note: since this video, Charlotte & Anita parted ways over school choice)

I will only mention a few comments from this video)

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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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