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You Are Paying For You & Your Kids To Be Tracked & Traced (Video)

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HR 6830, the Open Schools Act is more usurpation by the federal government into the area of education. It’s introduced by a Republican with all Republican co-sponsors as a carrot to parents to take up to $10,000 to indoctrinate their children under the same Common Core standards as the Every Student Succeeds Act puts forth. The reality is that it will track and trace both them and their children, even though it uses the language of “school choice.” The people need to put this down and the Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor exposes it and tells you what you can do.

Articles, links and videos mentioned in this episode with additional resources provided by Lynne.

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Related ‘school choice funding scheme bills’ which have all been introduced in the 117th, but have been dormant. While this may mean nothing, we cannot assume these bills won’t be resurfacing. After all, 2022 is mid term elections, and as we’ve covered during our previous school choice shows (especially last week’s), this lie isn’t going to stop until the feds control everything!

All these can be found on www.congress.gov
SCHOOL Act (HR 1770 and S 665 (sets up fed funds to follow students from cradle to career) March of 2021 is when the House introduced theirs. The Senate’s is an exact copy and was also trotted out in March 2021.
HR 1241, Full Community Schools Expansion Act (Senate’s is S 385). Introduced in Feb. 2021, these twins will expand ESSA’s grasp on the community by creating more school based services using the school’s location as the hub. Will reauthorize FCS funds until 2025.

Open Schools Responsibly Act (HR 5079) Prevents any civil liability against schools in the name of COVID shut downs (something the Open Schools Act is using to bring up $10K per family) Idle since Aug 2021.

Green New Deal for Schools (HR 4442) idle since July 2021
This one uses COVID as an excuse to retroactively redesign schools, but also reshapes the BIE (Bureau of Indian Education) for full compliance.

Healthier Green Schools (HR 4966) Idle since Aug 2021.
This one directly ties to the recently passed into law Infrastructure and Jobs Act
Renew America’s School Act (S 694) Idle since March 2021, this one will put the US Dept of Energy into power over schools, especially for air quality and COVID relief.
Related and for archives:
1) From May 2019 the exposure of the federal level of ‘human capital police’. How will this connect? The funds the US Ed will distribute directly to the parents will be the bait: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2019/05/06/the-hc-police/

2) From Nov. 2016, the ‘free money’ for schools will also show up in the ‘free money’ for parents: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/11/06/get-your-free-money-here/
Also, we’ll need to introduce this topic for parents/taxpayer action! The US Dept of Education has a new ‘school safety’ project. It’s called Project Prevent and is supposedly aimed (yes, the pun is intentional) at reducing community violence (especially firearms), BUT is hiding behind community wide SEL (social emotional learning) funds, programs, etc.

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