When “Infrastructure” Means More Indoctrination & Workforce/Slave Prep (Video)
The new “infrastructure” bill that the House and Senate just passed, waiting on the illegitimate man in the People’s house to sign, HR 3684, is anything but constitutional. In fact, it is only building on the foundation that the usurper, Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah, built and the first floor that President Donald Trump built in formulating more illegal, criminal indoctrination and instilling fascism in our states. Common Core Diva joins me again this week for part 2 of our exposing the government means by infrastructure: slavery.
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Articles, links and previous shows mentioned in this episode, along with additional resources provided by Lynne.
Teens Stand Up: “I Will Not Wear The Mask… I Will Not Take The Vaccine… I Will Resist Evil… I Will Submit To God… I Will Defy Tyrants!” (Video)
THE PRAYER THAT ROCKED THE CAPITOL (DVD) – Get 10% off this DVD through September 4, 2021 at midnight when you use the promo code ROCK at checkout.
Infrastructure investment a… by Tim Brown
How The House Voted On This Bill
How The Senate Voted On This Bill
When “Infrastructure” Actually Means More Federal Expansion Into Your Life (Video)
Failing To Correct & Deal With Lawbreakers Only Leads To More Lawlessness
When The State Thinks Your Children Are Theirs (Video)
From last week: Pages 1080 to 1095; Pages 1105; 1128, 1134/35; 1154/57; 1178/79; 1184 showed Higher Ed, as well as jobs/unions; Secondary Education as widgets.
Pages 1246, 1420, 1458, 1460 and 1468. Will be a group we mention THIS week to begin our look at the REST of the Bill. This group is nothing but Higher Ed as a tool against us.
I’m not sure exactly where this Section ends, but there’s lots to point out. Especially about taxation.
Also woven in this section is a new ‘law’ within HR 3684, called the Digital Equity Act (Title III) which begins on Page 2073.
- P 2079-2086
- P 2109/2129 (I’d like to show the list of federal agencies on P 2129)
- P 2132 begins Title IV, Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure (will involve schools and the FCC)
- P 2166/67
- P 2219/22 (STEM)
- P 2372 begins the Title IX, Clean School Buses/Ferries
- P 2241
- P 2463
- P 2599 begins Title VII for US Labor/Ed/HHS and Related Agencies (will need to see the amounts of $$)
- P 2600 begins US Transportation/HUD and Related (ends P 2607)
- P 2681, begins Division K for Minority Businesses
- P 2712 Section 100203 for Educational Development Relating to Mgmt and Entrepreneurships
Use all the related resources from last week, too! Be sure to link in our Part One of this Bill from last week.
The attached image is to use as we close the show.
Other Related Resources:
1) Not just our infrastructure’s at risk of alignment. So is our food: https://www.commoncorediva.
2) How the local angles of alignment are already playing out: https://www.commoncorediva.
3) Congress’s stupidity for workforce based ed: https://www.commoncorediva.
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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media