US Government Can’t Account For $21 Trillion In Unlawful Money & Spending (Video)
The US government cannot account for more than $21 trillion, mostly from the Defense Department. We’ll show how the day before 9/11, the Defense Department stated they didn’t know where $2.3 trillion went, and it just so happens that records pertaining to that missing money would have been stored in the very area of the Pentagon that was hit with a missile, not a plane. We’ll also listen as over time, our debt increased as the unlawful spending of unlawful money climbed. We’ll also look at who the presidents were with the most debt and even a couple that actually lowered it and we’ll see what the Bible has to say about this matter.
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Articles, links and videos mentioned in this episode.
- Exodus 20
- Deuteronomy 23
- Isaiah 24
- $21 Trillion Is Missing From The US Government – That’s $65,000 Per Person! Almost As Much As The National Debt!
- U.S. Debt By President
- US Debt Clock
- Regardless of How Men/Women Die in America The Said Preachers Usher them Into Heaven – This is NOT SCRIPTURAL!
- Epstein’s Private Calendar Reveals Prominent Names Including CIA Chief, Goldman Top Lawyer
- The Remedy To The Trans-Delusion Problem (Video)
- The Supreme Court of Peroutka Family Poker
- Nevada Children Are Getting Rare Brain Infections
- First Cop Convicted for Not Intervening as Fellow Cop Bashed Man’s Face in With a Gun, Strangled Him
- When “Science” Deliberately Attempts To Destroy God
- Congress Ignores Real Debt Ceiling Drama
- The System Is Starting To Unravel At A Pace That Is Absolutely Breathtaking
- 4 Ways That Joe Biden Could Get America Into A War
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