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The State That Betrays You

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Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is betraying the people of the united States, but he has help. HSLDA is also aiding that effort in the homeschooling community. Eyes need to be opened, but it must take the Spirit of God to open them, and in this episode, Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor exposes the continued globalist agenda in education via the Trump administration.

Lynne also provided these resources for further study on the issue mentioned.  Images mentioned in the information will follow.

 1) Since Mike Pompeo is part of the CCSS Machine and loves the UN’s STEM, this should be a great show of hypocrisy.  (use attached images #1, 3, 4, 5, and, 6 )

2) In 2017, I showed the world how Sec. Pompeo was more for globalization than “Making America Great”. Especially for STEM and females.
Newsweek’s article on Sec. Pompeo:
https://www.newsweek.com/mike-pompeo-lashes-out-critics-homeschooling-says-radical-leftists-are-indoctrinating-children-1500289?fbclid=IwAR2Nc8STg0Tc0JfEe6xHVw7rUjIJyVHTEV-kvmTev_wrPsy5-XjIxNzbohkTo read about the Harvard Summit:

To sign the petition against Harvard’s Summit:

The Resources from my blog:
1) For listeners/viewers, my 2019 article showing the number of States where homeschooling is under the gun moreso than others. If you aren’t teaching the way the government likes, you risk being charged with educational neglect and/or abuse. Brings out a nasty ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) mandate.

2) This archive of mine ties STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, to Harvard and several federal agencies, including Sec. Pompeo’s State Dept.

3) If listeners/viewers don’t understand why Pompeo’s Twitter statements about ‘the lefists’ is so contridictory, point them to this:
(Use attached image #2)

4) Article to accompany attached image #3:
(*Note: in this article you can also see how Rep. Mark Meadows (NC) is also tied to the UN leftism.)Direct link to Alex Newman’s article on Pompeo:

To see the current article about the 6 Senators seeking to have Pearson and company investigated:
(*Note: These Senators are asking the U.S. Justice Dept. to become involved.
The U.S. Justice Dept. can also be tied to the leftist UN (United Nations).
U.S. Justice also overreaches into education at all ages/levels/choices, via ESSA.
But, Tim, here’s a rub. The U.S. Dept.of Justice is one of the CCSS Machine federal agencies. Here’s an excerpt from a 2015 article I wrote about (then) VP Biden and his ties to Third Way (a group which seeks to transform America).

“Under the leadership of Vice President Biden, Secretary of Labor Tom Perez, Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, the Administration engaged in an intensive review to identify, initiate, and implement actions to make federal employment and training programs and policies more job-driven and effective, consistent with existing statutory authority. ” Here’s something else you’ll need to know, ” constructive engagement of Cabinet Secretaries and leaders of employment, training, education, and workforce development programs in the Departments of Agriculture, Defense, Energy, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Justice, Transportation, Veterans Affairs, the Social Security Administration, and Environmental Protection Agency, and from the expertise of the Department of the Treasury, the National Science Foundation, and the Office of Personnel Management.”   
Article where you’ll find this quote:

More proof about the U.S. Dept. of Justice and its ties to the UN vs US.
 “Justice also overreaches into education via data tracking, drugs, and oversees our national security. Parts of our National Security Plan are centered on the United Nations declarations, not the U.S. Constitution.”

Where you’ll find that quote:

5) STEM’s “Dark Side” will tie back to what’s available, not only in public schools, but to entire communities, where homeschooling family often use in their lesson plans.

6) How the UN got into American education via MN and now, all the States:
(*Note: It’s here you can find Harvard and global education, which is SDG #4)

7) Since many homeschool students go on to higher education, do you really know what ALL types of colleges and universities use as a way to indoctrinate? Entertainment, community events, and, talent shows.

8) NASA is a big draw for homeschooling families, esp. with ‘free curriculum’

However, NASA is a UN/STEM hotbed.
https://www.commoncorediva.com/2019/10/04/making-plans/9) From the President, himself, his FY 2021 Budget Requests have STEM as a major pet project.

10) To see the U.S. Dept. of Justice’s inclusion of UN treaties over the US Constitution, when it comes to the US National Security Plan:
(*Note: in this article you can also find a complete list of US involvement with all the UN programs.)


About the Facebook Group for Protesting the Harvard Summit (use attached image #7):

“This group is a pro homeschool, pro parental rights group set up to pro·test the upcoming Harvard Homeschool Summit scheduled to occur 6/18-19/2020.
The purpose of this group is to protest both the summit and the regulation of homeschool while preserving the parental rights we hold dear.
Consider signing the petition: http://chng.it/G8rYQQgkCg
To stay up to date with the group, make sure to turn on all notifications.
Make sure to understand the rules of this group:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/harvardhomeschoolsummitprotest/about/” (directly from the FB page)

*Use attached image #8 here.

The Global Home Education Exchange Berlin Declaration (where the UN Human Rights Declaration is included)
https://ghex.world/…/05/Berlin-Declaration-English.pdfGHEX’s website:

GHEX’s Rio Principles (2016):

B.S. For Parents







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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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