Project Prevent: Redefining “Community Violence” & Giving You The Bill To Do It (Video)
The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in this episode to show you how the very government that won’t allow for the definition of marriage to be between a man and a woman is more than willing to step up and redefine “community violence,” and you’ll never guess how they are defining it and how much they are going to spend of your money to implement it. Project Prevent is the name of this latest scheme by fascists in government and it will effect every one of us.
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Here’s the Registry link: https://www.federalregister.
(As of 2/7/22, the proposed ‘improvements’ have been seen just over 350 times and only 5 public comments have been posted. (Mine included)
2019 Project Prevent pdf. Look at the funding.
2019 Project Prevent by Tim Brown on Scribd
Here’s a link to the Resources cited for Project Prevent, as seen on the homepage for the
Link to the justification of US law for Project Prevent:
Top citation goes to 20 US Code 7131 (which deals with internet use and LEAs (local education agencies):
The other citation dates back to 2014 (Obama Admin.) and will show how Ed’s funding directly tied to HHS:
**Remember, 2014 was when Congress was still using the reauthorization of ESEA (The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965) to create their own versions. It’s what was combined to create ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act).
Speaking of ESSA, how the many funding streams were redirected to become community wide violence reductions: https://www.
(Note: Futures is based in San Francisco, CA. SF is considered THE model Resilience City based off the world-wide Rockefeller Initiative “Resilient Cities”.
Futures President has also been honored by another CCSS Machine member, the Kellogg Foundation: https://www.
Here’s a link to the ‘shaping’ of a child’s brain that Futures has put out. The first video is just over 1 minute.
From the UN (in 2010) and including The Futures President:
From 2018, my 20 minute FB live on the documentary I’d just seen about shaping children’s brains and ACEs:
Article where I posted the video: https://www.commoncorediva.
From this link, you can see how law enforcement is encouraged to apply for the federal money from US Ed for Project Prevent. Do you see the ‘absolute priority’ mentioned in this article?
Note how the use of “Promise Zones” is included, as well as encouragement for more p3s!:
The Resilient Cities website shows that Rockefeller Foundation is now considered a “Core Partner” but is no longer the governing body.
*Current leadership shows the Mayor of Houston at the helm: https://
**Since San Francisco is considered the top model by which all “R-Cities” are to become. Note that each R-City has a ‘Chief Resilience Officer”: https://
To see all the Cities: https://
To see the ‘projects’ which will encompass education at a community level under R-Cities: https://
For the Archives and Listener/Viewer ‘homework’:
1) My three pages of articles on the Rockefeller Foundation’s overreaches in education, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and more: https://www.commoncorediva.
2) If you’re concerned about the Big Pharma over-medication of our ACE impacted citizens, consider this: https://www.commoncorediva.
3) Promise Zones are from US Housing/Urban Development and embedded in education, especially with Promise Neighborhoods, Community Development Block Grants and more: https://www.commoncorediva.
(North Carolina calls these “Prosperity Zones” and it divides our States into regional zones based on UN SDGs, not the American Constitution:
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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media