Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»Harmful Disparities In Education: Henry Kissinger, FEMA Camps, & The Military

Harmful Disparities In Education: Henry Kissinger, FEMA Camps, & The Military

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I was sent some declassified U.S. Army Field Manuals (FMs) by two different Warriors, one of whom is a former specialist in the U.S. Armed Services. Having served our nation, this person knows full well that the FMs are ‘gospel’ and those joining the military must, at all costs, adhere to their leaders who use these FMs. The one Warrior who’s not been in the military, sent this video* to show concern about FM 3-39.40.

That’s where I started my research. The other FM, 33-1.1 was brought to my attention by the second Warrior. What I’d found in the first FM was about resettlement and determent camps. The second FM was all about the psychology to be used in these camps. Most all of the camps will be FEMA ones, but can include any building the US government or military ‘squats’ in. These FMs were building US internment camps based to include UN presence.

Additional material and information mentioned in this episode.

New Documents Reveal Plans For Martial Law and FEMA Camps Exposed (Video)

FEMA, FEMA Camps, Martial Law & The Unconstitutional Executive Orders That Are In Place That Threaten The Liberty Of Every Citizen Of The US

FEMA, FEMA Camps, Martial Law & Unconstitutional Executive Orders Designed To Destroy Your Liberty

21 Tech Firms Unconstitutionally Funded By CIA-Front Group In-Q-Tel

Harmful Disparities In Education

Psyop Plan by Tim Brown on Scribd

fm3-05-301 by Tim Brown

USArmy InternmentResettlement by Tim Brown

Here are the page numbers from FM 3-39.40.
Page 5-22, look for bullet points #4 and #7
Page 8-1, introduction paragraph
Page 8-2, point #8-5 (top of the page)
Pages 8-5-7 cover Vo Tech (rebranded CTE in 2006) and academics
Pages 8-8 & 9 (bottom of 8, point #8.27 and top to middle of 9, the the very bottom of 9 where ‘community centers are a must’)
Page 8-10, education as rehab, especially points #8.29, 30, and, 32)
Page 8-11 Points #8.37-39
Page 8-12, Points #8.40 and 42
Page 8-15, look for Community Centers, and points #8.59-62, especially 60 (gov’t squats)
Page 9-9, the image for being reintroduced back into society
Appendix Page E-3, the UN
Appendix Page J-2, the detainees ‘housing’ image and again on J-3. Note the 8,000 capacity
Appendix Page J-10, the processing image for all who enter the ‘camps’
Appendix Page J-19, points #J61-63
Appendix Page K-4, ‘education’ at the top of the page is part of the PSYOP initial assessment for detainees, civilians, prisoners
Appendix Page M, all about the biometrics collected, tracked, shared, stored. Page M-3 details the data side of biometrics to verify your identity.

Here are the page numbers from 3-1.1.
Page 1-2, image for PSYOP use in society
Page 1-7, information hub (resembles the community hubs Anita Hoge has used in the community centers/21st Century Community Learning Centers (which will undoubtedly play into all this)
Page 4-29, the peacetime PYSOP decision process for control
Page 5-1, we’ll briefly talk about some of the acronyms and targeted audiences (the next few pages show how TAs are chosen, but we can simply mention that)
Page 5-7, image of Maslow’s Needs (education will fall in short term needs and long term needs)
Page 6-14, image of PSYOP, look for ‘school supplies’ Look near the top of the page for ‘cradle to grave’
Page 6-21, point #6.44 (PSYOP distribution in communities)
Page 8-11 & 12, the PSYOP interview, scroll to see all that’s asked and data collected
Page 8-22, under area assessment information, Letter F
Page 9-11, points #9.36 & 37 (*Note: all of Chapter 9 is media with PSYOP goals and slants. “Media” includes all the ‘products’ in school supplies)
Page 11-4, point #11.9 (PSYOP school construction issues)
Page 12-6, points #12.14 & 15
Page 12-9, point #12.24
Appendix Page B-7, Point #B.33 (high schoolers and ROTC)
Appendix Page I-19, the UN

he US approval for UN use of force in times of conflict
(who/what defines ‘conflict’?)
(also note that in both FM guides UN groups are listed as helpers in the internment camps, as well as FEMA.)

FEMA Camps map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?msa=0&mid=1BapUssNwj7WKyOIcLw5hRpoTTqI&ll=47.350803037457624%2C-112.98631599999999&z=3
*Remember, in the FM guides any building can be ‘squatted’ on and used for these resettlement/internment camps.*

Common Sense show:

Joe’s Notes on 33-1.1: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10157175723516290&id=532421289 The Army Regulation 190-8 (treatment of detainees, prisoners, etc.): https://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/pdf/web/r190_8.pdf

Kissinger/Corona/NWO: https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/politics/item/35365-globalist-henry-kissinger-coronavirus-will-forever-alter-the-world-order

The Kissinger Report (population control/cull) UN has adopted (this will tie to the NY and CO links below): https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PCAAB500.pdf

The NY based “Save our Seniors”: https://www.facebook.com/events/american-legion-greece-post-468/save-our-seniors-press-conference/613764929323631/

The CO article on Srs and COVID: https://beaconseniornews.com/top-carousel/the-cruelty-of-quarantine/

FEMA Camps



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