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Setting Brushfires Radio Show

Was Jesus Clear About His Return? (Video)
In this episode, we’ll take a look at Jesus’ words concerning His coming (Perousia; presence). Specifically, we’ll look at when He said it would occur, where He said it would occur and who would see it. In doing so, we’ll be setting the stage for correcting the misapprehension of some …

… Behold, I Make All Things New! (Video)
As we begin a new year, we’ll look to Scripture about how God made all things new in Christ: New heavens and new earth, and new creatures in Christ. Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body with these non-transdermal patches Get your Vitamin B17 & Get 10% …

US Reboots Communism? (Video)
The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me for this Tell It To Me Tuesday to expose what is going on with Congress’ bill regarding Communism. We’ll show you what you need to know and why it is deceptive on its face, possibly targeting real, patriotic Americans. Buy All-American! Bring …

Believers, Don’t Lose Heart! We’re Surrounded By A Great Cloud Of Witnesses! (Video)
Followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, you are not alone! There have been a plethora of witnesses throughout history who have borne witness of the resurrection by not only their words but their conversation, as well as their suffering abuses, tribulations and trials in order that they may obtain a …

Kate Shemirani: “I’m Not Old, Just Deficient” (Video)
In this episode, nurse and nutritionist Kate Shemirani joins me to answer the question, “Am I aging, or am I aging myself?” We’ll focus on what we are doing to our bodies that actually age them faster than normal and look to solutions that God has graciously provided in the …

The Federal Government Is A Reflection Of The People & There Are Spiritual Implications (Video)
In this episode, we’ll take a look at a few instances of just how the federal government has become a reflection of the People in what the People tolerate rather than holding their representatives to the law that is written. We’ll then make the parallel, using A W Pink’s essay …

No One In History Has Fulfilled The Prophecies Of Messiah Except Jesus The Christ (Video)
In this episode, we’ll take a look at several of the prophecies in the Old Testament along with their fulfillment in the New Testament concerning the promised Messiah, Jesus the Christ. While many are starting to claim he never lived or was some sort of a “mushroom trip,” the historical, …

Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, CBDCs & The Incoming Administration: The Good, The Bad & The Tyrannical (Video)
In this episode, I’m joined by the founder of, Ryan Cristián, and we discuss the good and bad of a variety of crypto coins on the market, their differences, traceability and how they can be used for either good or bad. We’ll also talk about blockchain technology, the press …

Following Christ Is NOT Another Mother-Child Religion (Video)
In this episode, we’ll look at what Scripture actually says the Christian faith is all about in the face of those trying to convince us that it’s just another in a long line of heathen and pagan stories that idolize mother-son religions. Instead, the Christian faith is not a mother-son …

Kate Shemirani: Blue Light Toxicity – It’s Effects & Solutions For Protecting Yourself (Video)
In this episode, nurse and nutritionist Kate Shemirani joins me to continue our interview from the previous week on blue light toxicity, along with other factors that we are experiencing as a result of a lot of things in our society. We’ll also provide some solutions to protect yourself and …