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Setting Brushfires Radio Show
Fibromyalgia: What Is It & Can It Be Treated?
Fibromyalgia is estimated to affect 2–8% of the population. Women are affected about twice as often as men. Rates appear similar in different areas of the world and among different cultures. What is it really, and are there things you can do naturally to aid you if you have been …
The Militia & Dealing With Crime
Sadly, one of the most important things we have left off in the Second Amendment is the mention of the militia. The militia is the key to enforcing the law, repelling invasions and putting down insurrections. In looking to the militia, which is a biblical approach to defending a country, …
Government Takes Aim At Vets’ Guns – Yours Are Next!
When the usurper, Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah signed the NDAA in 2012, it contained unconstitutional provisions to detain American citizens indefinitely and deny them due process. In 2020, Congress is pushing through the NDAA with red flag laws in it targeting our veterans. Trump says he won’t sign it, …
Standing Against Unlawful Mask Mandates In Businesses – What The Law Says
Many businesses, both small and corporate are now imposing mask mandates for their customers, and while many may just go along to get along, many of us realize it is a slow attack on our liberties. It’s also done under the guise of a lie. So, what do you do …
The New Common Core: STREAM’s Globalist Indoctroeducation In The US
Think Common Core is dead? Think again! As we’ve been showing you, it’s still very much alive just in another name. In this episode of Rotten to the Core Wednesday, the Common Core Diva, Lynne Taylor, joins me to expound on the latest globalist agenda in education in the united …
Facebook, Twitter & YouTube Remove & Ban Video Of America’s Frontline Doctor’s Capitol Hill Coronavirus Press Conference – See It Here
In just a matter of days, the Frontline Doctors Summit was pulled from YouTube and labeled as “False Information.” It came just days after we reported on the National Institute for Health’s posting of a study that 5G technology can produce coronavirus in human cells, which was pulled a few …
When The Government Becomes A Beast with Rep. Matt Shea
More and more we see the growing tyranny of government, but more and more we see the pockets of resistance similar to the resistance of our forefathers in the War for Independence. One of those on the front lines of the battle against tyranny in his state and nationally is …
Kate Shemirani: When A Medical Diagnosis Actually Means Malnourished
In this episode, The Sons of Liberty’s health and wellness expert, Kate Shemirani, will be joined with a friend of The Sons of Liberty, Alister Diniz. Alister was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy and was told he would not live long. He is now 19. What you will find interesting is …
Is Florida Governor Ron Desantis Engaged In Corruption To Cover For Criminal Lee County Sheriff?
On Friday, the Florida Ethics Commission demonstrated that they are just a corrupt as the Florida Department of Law Enforcement when it comes to actually providing any serious investigation into the ethics violations of Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno. A secret meeting was held and even before the meeting began …
I Will Not Comply: How You Stand Up To Mandatory Mask Wearing Tyrants
Several states have taken measures in which governors have overstepped their lawful authority and sought to impose tyranny on the people they serve by ordering them to wear masks in violation of the law. They have even ordered police to enforce it. In states where these unlawful orders have not …