Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»Why Is The UN Hiring English-Speaking Disarmament Officers In New York?

Why Is The UN Hiring English-Speaking Disarmament Officers In New York?

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No, it’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s a real conspiracy. As the Second Amendment comes under attack, the United Nations is actually hiring for new positions and among those positions are English-speaking disarmament, demobilization and reintegration officers. Why are they doing this, and why are we continuing to be a part of an anti-Christian, anti-American organization?

Articles mentioned in this episode:

United Nations Is Hiring English-Speaking Disarmament Officers In New York

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Setting Brushfires 11-14-2019: The United Nations Claims American Taxpayer Purchased Facilities As “International Territory” – But These Guys Are Fighting Back!



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Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

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