Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»What Would Happen If 5 Million US Children Didn’t Return To Public Schools?

What Would Happen If 5 Million US Children Didn’t Return To Public Schools?

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What would take place in homes in the united States if children didn’t return to public schools this Fall because their parents took the time to be parents during this fabricated crisis we are in currently and began to homeschool them and discovered they were actually pretty good at it and it benefited their family? This is the question Alex Newman of TheNewAmerican.com discusses with me in this episode.

The New American

Freedom Project

Start educating your children at home for free!

Education: One Area You Can Take Back Liberty Without Washington’s Help

The McGuffey Reader vs. Globalist Education

McGuffey’s Reader: “The Foundations of our Nation were Laid by Civilized men, by Christians… to Ridicule Them is National Suicide”



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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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