This Is What We Warned Would Happen (Video)
Government data now demonstrates that people died up to 8 times more in 6 months from the experimental COVID shots than 18 months of those who allegedly died from the CONvids. Plus, the powers that be are playing a game when it comes to the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty and the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations. Both advance a lawless, tyrannical agenda on the people under the guise of health and safety. These are things we have warned about for some time if justice is not brought against the guilty in this matter.
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Articles, links, videos and bonus videos mentioned in this episode.
- Leviticus 17:11
- Amos 6
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- Your Character Should Match Your Doctrine (Video)
- Confirmed Govt Data: COVID Shot More Deadly Than “COVID-19”
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Dr. Bryan Ardis: They’ve Injected mRNA Tech Into US Animals, Vegetables – China Injects Our Beef
President Of Uganda’s Reaction To Meet With Lawless Sodomites
The Question No One In Congress Nor The Mockingbird Media Is Asking About The COVID Shot
Your Character Should Match Your Doctrine
Trudeau shouts Glory to Ukraine & receives “F**k Trudeau!” in response
The Great Economic Collapse is coming
Dr. Dean Burk PhD, 34 years at National Cancer Institute, confirms fluoridated water causes cancer
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